How many channels to send to the bricks, Where to send the file, What will happen when the brick is powered up – Gilderfluke&Co Pb-DMX User Manual

Page 37: What will happen on each brick input

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At this point you probably only have one show to download. This would be the one

you have been working on. Just leave this one show on the list of shows to be Auto
Downloaded to the Pb-DMX/32.

How many channels to send to the Bricks?........

You can now select the number of the channel to be downloaded to the Bricks. The

Pb-DMX/32 holds between one and four channels of digitals. You can download more
channels to the Bricks, but this will just fill up the space in their memory needlessly.

The ʻFirst Channelʼ and ʻLast Channelʼ fields show the range channels to be down-


1. If you created one analog channel and eight digital channels, the first eight digitals

are located in channel ʻ0ʼ. The analog is addressed at channel ʻ1ʼ. You will want to
set the download range from ʻ0ʼ to ʻ0ʼ for only the digitals, or ʻ0ʼ to ʻ1ʼ if you want to
include the analog channel in the download.

2. If you created one analog channel and sixteen digital channels, the digitals are lo-

cated in channels ʻ0ʼ and ʻ1ʼ. The analog is addressed at channel ʻ2ʼ. You will want to
set the download range from ʻ0ʼ to ʻ1ʼ for only the digitals, or ʻ0ʼ to ʻ2ʼ if you want to
include the analog channel in the download.

3. If you created one analog channel and twenty-four digital channels, the digitals are

located in channels ʻ0ʼ through ʻ2ʼ. The analog is addressed at channel ʻ3ʼ. You will
want to set the download range from ʻ0ʼ to ʻ2ʼ for only the digitals, or ʻ0ʼ to ʻ3ʼ if you
want to include the analog channel in the download.

4. If you created one analog channel and thirty-two digital channels, the digitals are lo-

cated in channels ʻ0ʼ through ʻ3ʼ. The analog is addressed at channel ʻ4ʼ. You will
want to set the download range from ʻ0ʼ to ʻ3ʼ for only the digitals, or ʻ0ʼ to ʻ4ʼ if you
want to include the analog channel in the download.

If you were downloading additional channels to control other items through the DMX-

512 output of the Pb-DMX/32, you would increase the ʻlastʼ number as needed to in-
clude them.

Where to send the file........

In most cases, you will want to set the ʻBrick Serial Addressʼ to zero when working

with Pb-DMX/32s. Because only one Pb-DMX/32s can be installed on the RS-232 port
at one time, they donʼt pay any attention to the ʻBrick Serial Addressʼ setting.

What will happen when the Brick is powered up?........

What will happen when the Pb-DMX/32s are first powered up (and right after an

AutoDownload). Touch the popup with the left mouse click and select the ʻloop from first
showʼ option (the other options are ʻwaitʼ and ʻplay first showʼ). You can also select any
show that is on the AutoDownload file list as the first show that will be played.

Note that there is a subtle, yet very important difference between a ʻplayʼ and a ʻloopʼ

command. Both the ʻplayʼ and ʻloopʼ will start a show. The difference is at the end of the
show. A ʻplayʼ will simply get to the end of the show and do absolutely nothing. A ʻloopʼ
command will get the end of the show and then look around for what options have been
set for the end of the particular show which just finished. This can be to ʻdo nothingʼ, or
to jump to another show. When in doubt, it is always safer to use a ʻloopʼ command.

What will happen on each Brick input?........

You can select what will happen on the two optically isolated inputs by selecting ei-

ther the ʻAʼ, ʻBʼ, ʻCʼ or ʻDʼ ʻradio buttonsʼ and using the popups to select what happens

Gilderfluke & Co. 205 South Flower Street Burbank, California 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 fax 818/840-9485

Pb-DMX/32 v1.+ Manual / 10/31/13 / page 31 of 37