Shows capacities for pb-dmxs – Gilderfluke&Co Pb-DMX User Manual
Page 15

Shows Capacities for Pb-DMXs
The ʻStockʼ memory capacity of a version 1.1+ Pb-DMX/32 is 4 MBytes. This is ac-
tually just shy of 4.2 million bytes of storage. A very small amount of space is used for
storing settings, and donʼt occupy much space in the flash memory.
If this is not sufficient, you have the option of purchasing your controller with an ʻEx-
tendedʼ memory. This doubles the capacity to 8 MBytes.
When you save an AutoDownload file for storing on a Pb-DMX/32, PC•MACs will
calculate exactly how much space this file will require and save this in the ʻ.setʼ file. If
you need to ʻballparkʼ how big your show is going to be, the formula to calculate the
capacity of the memory is:
(Number of Channels x frame rate) x length of shows
= length in bytes
The ʻNumber of Channelsʼ is how many eight bit bytes of storage each frame of data
will need. Eight digital (on/off) functions fit within one eight bit channel. If even just one
digital output is used in an eight bit channel, the entire byte will need to be stored. Ana-
log functions are typically eight bits in ʻresolutionʼ and occupy a single eight bit channel.
There are exceptions to this, and analog functions can be created that occupy twelve
bits, sixteen bits, twenty-four or thirty-two bits as well. These will occupy 1.5, two, three
or four bytes of storage per frame. Resolutions above sixteen bits are not often (I.e.:
never) used.
The ʻFrame Rateʼ is typically 30 frames (updates) per second (30 FPS) in the US
(where video runs at about 30 FPS). In countries where video runs at 25 FPS, it is not
uncommon to use 25 FPS for shows. Fountains and slow moving digital animatronic
shows donʼt usually benefit from faster update rates, so you can program them at a
lower rate (like 15 FPS) if you need the show capacity. This will effectively double the
show capacity of a Pb-DMX/32.
The Pb-DMX/32 allow you to mix shows with different frame rates in the same
AutoDownload file. You can make ʻdelayʼ shows that tick along at one or two FPS be-
tween the main shows that may run at 15 or 30 FPS.
The ʻShow Capacitiesʼ shown are at 30 frames (updates) per second, with a mem-
ory of 4.1 million bytes available for the ʻstandardʼ memory, or 8.2 million bytes for the
ʻExtendedʼ memory option. If you will be using 15 FPS, you can simply double the
times shown. The typical capacities of Pb-DMX/8, Pb-DMX/16, Pb-DMX/24 and Pb-
DMX/32 (if using only the onboard Show Control Outputs) are shown in bold.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Pb-DMX/32 v1.+ Manual / 10/31/13 / page 9 of 37
Length of show is in seconds