ʻaʼ & ʻbʼ trigger inputs, Power supply, Relay outputs – Gilderfluke&Co Pb-DMX User Manual
Page 13

occasionally, check your DMX-512 wiring. You may need to terminate the
DMX-512 data lines with a 120Ω resistor.
If the Pb-DMX/32 receives a DMX-512 signal on this input, or even spurious noise
that sounds to it a lot like DMX-512, it will stop running any animation sequence and
stop to listen for valid DMX-512 data. If no DMX-512 is received, then the animation se-
quence can be restarted by whatever means it has been configured to use (trigger or
ʻAʼ & ʻBʼ Trigger Inputs:
The trigger inputs can be used to start, stop, pause or select specific show se-
quences stored on the Pb-DMX/32ʼs internal nonvolatile memory to play. Any type of
switch can be used. This can be a pushbutton, motion detector, IR beam, step mat, or
anything else that will give you a ʻswitch closureʼ. The trigger input is non-polarized and
optoisolated. You must feed a voltage in to trigger it. The green LED lights when a trig-
ger input is active.
Any event can be triggered on either the ʻclosingʼ or ʻopeningʼ edge of either input. A
ʻclosingʼ is when you apply a voltage to an input. An ʻopeningʼ is when that voltage is
removed. The inputs can be triggered on any voltage from 5 to 24 VDC. If you donʼt
have an external source of power for these two inputs, you can ʻstealʼ some juice from
the Pb-DMX/32ʼs power supply connections.
Power Supply:
The Pb-DMX/32 will run on any voltage from 9 through 24 VDC. Whatever voltage
you use will also be used to run the primary side of the relays on the Pb-08, Pb-16, Pb-
24 or Pb-32 relay mounting board. Use five volt relay modules for supply voltages up to
nine volts. Use 15 volt modules with supply voltages from 11 to 21 volts. Use 24 volt
modules for supply voltages from 18 to 32 volts. The Pb-DMX/32 itself uses very little
current. Size your power supply so it will provide enough current to run all of your loads.
Unless otherwise specified, Gilderfluke will always provide 24 volt relay modules.
You can supply the power to the Pb-DMX/32 through the ʻLogic Supplyʼ screw termi-
nals on the Pb-08, Pb-16, Pb-24 or Pb-32 relay mounting board that the Pb-DMX/32 is
plugged into. The polarity marked on the circuit board must be followed when attaching
the power supply. This same power supply connection is used to power the primary side
of the relay modules. It has absolutely no connection to the secondary side of the relay
It is highly unlikely that it will ever be needed, but this power supply connection is
protected by a standard five millimeter diameter, twenty millimeter long (5x20 mm) glass
fuse rated at five amps (Littelfuse part number 217005 or equivalent).
The Pb-DMX/32 power supply connection is protected from reversed polarity. An idle
Pb-DMX/32 draws only about twenty-five milliamperes. It can run for days on just a sin-
gle nine volt battery. The primary side of the relays that the Pb-DMX/32 is controlling will
draw far more current than the Pb-DMX/32 itself.
Relay Outputs:
Each Pb-DMX/32 has thirty-two digital outputs (hence, the name). When plugged
into a Pb-08, Pb-16, Pb-24 or Pb-32 relay mounting board, you can connect up to thirty-
two things to the Pb-DMX/32. With the appropriate AC or DC output relay modules
plugged into the Pb-08, Pb-16, Pb-24 or Pb-32 relay mounting board, you can control
small motors, contactors, solenoid valves, relays, small lamps, or anything else that
needs up to 3.5 amps of continuous current to run.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Pb-DMX/32 v1.+ Manual / 10/31/13 / page 7 of 37