One step forward, three steps back, Editing your show, Reviewing the changes you have made – Gilderfluke&Co Pb-DMX User Manual

Page 34: Changing the playback start point

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At this point it is time to save the work you have done so far. Use the File pulldown/

ʻSave' command. If you want to save any show under a different name, you can just use
the File pulldown/ʻSave as...' dialog.

One step forward, three steps back........

Now that you have done a pass or two, you can move on to programming some

other output channels.

You are going to go back a few steps to change the assignments on the console (op-

tionally saving this as a new console preset) and record some data onto these other
channels too. You will see that as you record onto these new channels, the data you
programmed into the previous channels will be played back as well.

This is how a show is programmed. You typically program a channel or two at one

time, and then move on the next channels. Repeat these steps for as many channels as
you want to record.

Editing your show........

The last few steps of this ʻQuickStartʼ jump you back into the OffLine editing screen

from the last section of the manual. With RealTime features enabled, you can now re-
view any changes you make instantaneously……….

If you have already moved the channels you want to edit over to the OffLine window,

you can skip the next step and open the OffLine window directly. Do this by pressing the
OffLine button on the main window, or using the OffLine pulldown/ʻShow OffLine...'
command. PC•MACs will always remember the last channels that were edited for a
given site file.

If you are running a show, pressing the OffLine button will open the OffLine Window

in ʻSingle Step Modeʼ. This is a shortcut that you may want to use later.

Reviewing the changes you have made........

After you make any edits, you can instantly review the changes you have made. You

will want to try this after many of the following steps.

You can start a show playing at any time by selecting Realtime pulldown/Play, or hit-

ting the shortcut. As the show plays, you will hear the audio file you selected and
see a ʻtime barʼ sweep across the screen to show where in time the show is. If the
OffLine pulldown/Auto Scroll check is ON, the OffLine Window will scroll to follow the
show as it plays.

You can stop a playback just as before, by selecting the Realtime pulldown/Stop, or

hitting the shortcut.

Changing the playback start point........

Unless you moved the ʻStartʼ slider on the main PC•MACs window, playback will be-

gin at the start of the show. You can always go back to the main window to change the
start or stop sliders, but there are shortcuts to change them from the OffLine Window.

Position the OffLine window so you can see the part of the show you would like to

review. Pop up the ʻclockʼ shortcut at the lower left corner of the OffLine Window. Slide
down to the command to ʻPaste to Start Timeʼ. This pastes the time at the left side of the
screen into the ʻStartʼ slider on the main window. Now click on the ʻclockʼ shortcut at the
lower right corner of the screen. Slide down to the command to ʻPaste to Stop Timeʼ.
This pastes the time at the right side of the screen into the ʻStopʼ slider on the main win-
dow. Now when you start a ʻPlayʼ, PC•MACs will playback the area displayed on the
OffLine window and then stop.

Gilderfluke & Co. 205 South Flower Street Burbank, California 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 fax 818/840-9485

Pb-DMX/32 v1.+ Manual / 10/31/13 / page 28 of 37