Creating some output channels, Name those channels, Saving your show – Gilderfluke&Co Pb-DMX User Manual

Page 25

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You can modify any FigureName by selecting it and choosing Channels pulldown/

ʻModify' command or by simply double clicking on the FigureName you want to change.

Creating some output channels........

If you donʼt foresee ever using analog functions, then only create the digitals. If you

donʼt foresee ever using digital functions, then only create the analogs.

Open the Channels pulldown/Channels List dialog (if it isnʼt already opened).

First select (highlight) one of the figures that you have created. As a shortcut we will

then create eight, sixteen, twenty-four or thirty-two digital channels (depending on what
size relay mounting board you will be using) followed by two analog channels by using
the Channels pulldown/ʻCreate Multiple...'. This command will ask you for the number of
analog and digital channels you want to create. To keep things simple, select ʻzeroʼ ana-
log and ʻeightʼ, ʻsixteenʼ, ʻtwenty-fourʼ or ʻthirty-twoʼ digitals (match the size relay mount-
ing board you will be using).

Now create an analog channel using the Channels pulldown/ʻCreate Analog...'. set it

for 8 bits of resolution.

This should have resulted in eight digital output channels addressed at 0.0 through

0.7, and one eight bit resolution analog channel. The analog channel would be used for
a dimmer or other DMX-512 controlled device connected to the Pb-DMX/32. It will have
the ʻdefaultʼ names.

The channels you have created are inside the ʻfigureʼ folders you previously created

(you did highlight the figures before creating the channels, didnʼt you?) To see the
channels you need to ʻopenʼ the FigureName. Left mouse click on the '>' at the left of
one of the FigureNames. This will open up the FigureName (the '>' turns into a 'V') so
you can see the channels within it. You can ʻcloseʼ a FigureName by clicking on the 'V'.

You can also create analog and digital channels one at a time by using the Channels

pulldown/ʻCreate Analog' or Channels pulldown/ʻCreate Digital'. If you select one of the
FigureNames you have already created, any output channels you create will be added
to this folder.

Name those channels........

You can modify any figure or channel by selecting it and choosing Channels

pulldown/ʻModify' command or by simply double clicking on it. You can then set the de-
fault levels for analogs (or ʻonʼ or ʻoffʼ for digitals), and the FigureName and figure as-
signment for a channel. PC•MACs wonʼt let you change an address to overlap with any
other existing channel. Leave the analog resolution at eight bits and donʼt modify the
address or bit number (digitals functions only) just yet.

You can use the ʻNextʼ/ʼLastʼ Buttons to view and edit the next or previous output


Close the Channels List by using the ʻCloseʼ box in the upper right corner or Chan-

nels pulldown/ʻHide Channels List' command.

Saving your show........

At this point it is time to save the work you have done so far. Because this is a new

show, the show remains ʻUntitledʼ. You can find the ʻSaveʼ command under the File
pulldown/ʻSave'. The first time you save a show, it will ask you for a ShowName. If you
want to save any show under a different name, you can always use the File pulldown/
ʻSave as...' command.

Gilderfluke & Co. 205 South Flower Street Burbank, California 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 fax 818/840-9485

Pb-DMX/32 v1.+ Manual / 10/31/13 / page 19 of 37