Pb-dmx/32 leds, switches and connections, Leds, Red ʻtestʼ button – Gilderfluke&Co Pb-DMX User Manual

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Pb-DMX/32 LEDs, Switches and Connections

There are only a small number of connections on each Pb-DMX/32. You will need to

attach a power supply, whatever you are controlling, and (optionally):

a)#A switch (or two) to start the Pb-DMX/32.

b)#DMX-512 input and/or output cables.



Green ʻInput ʻAʼʼ


Green ʻInput ʻBʼʼ LEDs:

Two green LEDs show the status of the

two optically isolated inputs. These LEDs are located on the ʻinsideʼ of the optical
isolators. They will operate if the input is receiving a signal, and it is getting to the
Pb-DMX/32ʼs microcontroller. When receiving DMX-512 or serial RealTime data, the
Pb-DMX/32 no longer needs the two trigger inputs or their indicator LEDs:

a. The ʻAʼ inputʼs LED is borrowed to toggle on each frame received via DMX-

512 or Serial RealTime data. If receiving data at 30 FPS, the LED will be
flashing at 15 Hz.

b. The ʻBʼ inputʼs LED is borrowed to flash each time there is an error in the re-

ceived DMX-512 or Serial RealTime data. If you see this flashing any more
than occasionally, check your DMX-512 wiring. You may need to terminate
the DMX-512 data lines with a 120Ω resistor.


Red ʻTestʼ LED:

When the Red ʻTestʼ LED is flashing ALL of the outputs are

being forced ʻoffʼ. When the Red ʻTestʼ LED is ʻonʼ, then one of the outputs is
being held ʻonʼ


Blue ʻHeartʼ LED:

This LED flashes to show that the Pb-DMX/32 is receiving power

and alive.


Yellow ʻTx Dataʼ LED:

One LED is attached to the serial data transmission line on

the Pb-DMX/32. The Tx LED is used as a ʻheartbeatʼ so that you can see that the
Pb-DMX/32 is alive. If the RS-232 serial port is attached to a PC, then the flash will
be very short and quick, as the Pb-DMX/32 sends out a ʻfʼ to mark a frame, or a ʻ.ʼ if
it is not currently running a show. When the RS-232 cable is disconnected, then this
LED will flash with a 50%/50% duty cycle. If this LED doesnʼt flash at least once per
second, you should power down the Pb-DMX/32 and check the power supply and
connections to the Pb-DMX/32.


Red ʻRx Dataʼ LED:

One LED is attached to the serial data received line on the Pb-

DMX/32. If the RS-232 serial port is attached to a PC, you will see this LED flash
each time a data is received through the serial port. If the RS-232 serial cable is dis-
connected, then the LED will flash at a high rate of speed as DMX-512 data is being

Red ʻTestʼ button:


Red ʻTestʼ button

is used forcing off all of the outputs of the Pb-DMX/32, and

then selectively testing each of the outputs individually. When the Red ʻTestʼ LED is
flashing, ALL of the outputs are being forced ʻoffʼ. When the Red ʻTestʼ LED is ʻonʼ, then
one of the outputs is being held ʻonʼ. The

Red ʻTestʼ button

is used as follows:

1. Press and hold for five seconds to enter the ʻtestʼ mode. This first step forces ʻoffʼ all

of the outputs. The

Red ʻRx Dataʼ LED

will be flashing.

Gilderfluke & Co. 205 South Flower Street Burbank, California 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 fax 818/840-9485

Pb-DMX/32 v1.+ Manual / 10/31/13 / page 4 of 37