Configuration menu, Dmx-512 – Gilderfluke&Co Pb-DMX User Manual
Page 18

Configuration Menu
You will only rarely need any changes to the configuration. Using GIlderTerm, plug in
the serial cable to the Pb-DMX/32. Press the ʻconfigureʼ button to bring up the following
As you can see, there arenʼt too many options available on this menu.
Set DMX-512 Address
This command is used to set the offset address for the Pb-DMX/32. By default the
Pb-DMX/32 uses DMX-512 or Serial RealTIme data starting at zero for the digital out-
puts. This command is one of two ways to set these offsets to any other address. No
matter what the base address is set to, all four data channels the Pb-DMX/32 will use
are consecutive.
If using Serial RealTime data, keep in mind that there are only sixteen channels of
data being transmitted. If the address is set above sixteen, then the Pb-DMX/32 will
never see that data, as they are above its maximum address range.
If using DMX-512 data, feel free to set the address to anywhere between 0 and 511.
Keep in mind that most lighting boards and dimmers now number the DMX-512 ad-
dresses between 1 and 512 (our address ʻ0ʼ is their address ʻ1ʼ). If sending data from a
non-Gilderfluke system, you will need to offset the address of either the Pb-DMX/32 or
the device which is sending the DMX-512 data by one address.
The DMX-512 input/output on the Pb-DMX/32 is active ONLY when the RS-232 se-
rial cable is not connected.
DMX-512 is the serial data standard used to control ALL professional theatrical light-
ing equipment.
- Gilderfluke & Co. Burbank, California * Pb-DMX/32 * v3.20 copyright 2009 DCM -
a) Address- __0
b) DMX-512 Receive
c) use standard Digital Gilder-DMX
x) eXit
enter command-
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Pb-DMX/32 v1.+ Manual / 10/31/13 / page 12 of 37