Electronics International CGR-30P User Manual
Page 43

Function Reference - The Interim Value may be referenced to another Function. The value of the
Function selected in this field can be added (+), subtracted (-), divided (/) or mulitplied (x) by the
Interim Value. Differential measurements can be made by subtracting one Function from another.
Temperature measurements based on thermocouple probes must be temperature compensated by
referencing the “T. COMP” (temperature compensation) Function. A new Interim Value is produced.
Allow Negative Readings - Negative readings should not be allowed on functions such as RPM,
M.P., most pressures, fuel levels, etc. If negative readings are not allowed, negative values will be
displayed as zero. A new Interim Value is produced.
Filter - The Interim Value may be filtered. A filter increases
the response time (shown in the “seconds =” field) and
reduces jumping. A new Interim Value is produced.
Dejitter Level - A unique dejitter algorithm may be
applied to the Interim Value. A Dejitter algorithm removes
jumpy readings without increasing response time. A new
Interim Value is produced.
Truncate (# digits) - The last one or two digits on the
Interim Value may be truncated (displayed as zero). A new
Interim Value is produced.
Decimal Places - This field only allows you to place a decimal point in the display. It does not
change the calibration of the Interim Value.
Snap to zero below - If the Interim Value drops below the value set in this field, the Interim Value will
be set to zero. A new Interim Value is produced.
Proportional to Bus - If the probe assigned to the EDC Input (selected above) is powered by the
aircraft bus, the readings may change as the bus voltage changes. By selecting “Yes” in this field the
CGR-30P will perform a ratiometric calculation with respect to the bus voltage. This will eliminate
reading changes due to bus voltage variations. Most E.I. probes and transducers are not powered by
the bus, but aircraft resistive fuel sensors are powered by the bus.
Restore to Factory Settings - Each Probe has a factory default setting for each of the calibration
parameters listed above. To restore the calibration data for the displayed Probe to the factory default
settings, select “Yes” in this field.