Electronics International CGR-30P User Manual
Page 18

2.5.3 “Lean-ROP” Operating Mode: This operating mode was designed to assist the pilot in leaning
the engine Rich-of-Peak EGT. As you lean, the EGT bars for all cylinders will rise. When the first cylinder
reaches peak EGT a tattletale marker will appear at the top of that cylinder’s bar. Enrichen the mixture and
the first cylinder to reach peak and the Temp Below Peak (on the rich side) will be displayed at the top right
of the bar graph display area.
2.5.4 “Lean-LOP” Operating Mode:
Important Notice: The engine must be leaned and operated in
accordance with the POH and engine manufactures
recommendations. Information in this manual is for reference
only and does not make any recommendations.
This operating mode was designed to assist the pilot in leaning
the engine Lean-of-Peak EGT. As you lean, the EGT bars for all
cylinders will rise. When the first cylinder reaches peak EGT a
tattletale marker will appear at the top of that cylinder’s bar. As
you continue to lean, additional tattletale markers will be placed
at the top of the appropriate bar as each cylinder reaches peak
EGT. This gives a quick visual reference as to which cylinders
have reached peak EGT and at what temperature each cylinder
peaked. If a false peak is detected (an EGT dips and then starts
increasing again), the CGR will reset the tattletale marker for that cylinder and once again look for the true
The data provided in the top portion of the display will show the first cylinder to reach peak EGT and the
current temperature below peak for that cylinder.
2.5.5 “EGT” Digital Operating Mode: The EGT Digital Operating Mode provides a pictorial
representation of the engine and the EGTs for each cylinder in a digital format.
The Digital Display Modes
available are: “Actual” and “Diff.”
Actual: In the Actual Mode the current EGTs for each cylinder are displayed. The data at the
bottom of the display provides the difference (or spread) between the hottest and coldest EGT and
Diff: In this Mode, the coldest cylinder is indicated by a reading of “0.” Each of the other cylinders
will display the difference between its temperature and the temperature of the coldest cylinder. The
data at the bottom of the display provides the temperature of the hottest EGT and CHT. Differential
readings provide valuable diagnostic information.
2.5.6 “CHT” Digital Operating Mode: The CHT Digital Operating Mode provides a pictorial
representation of the engine and the CHTs for each cylinder in a digital format.
The Digital Display Modes
available are: “Actual” and “Diff.”