Electronics International CGR-30P User Manual
Page 29

The User Setup screens are provided to allow the pilot to adjust the K-
Factor, setup the Local and Zulu clocks, setup the EGT/CHT Bar
Graph, setup Data Recording, and activate the Recurring Fuel Alarm.
To display the User Setup Screens Menu, push and hold the
Select Knob for approximately 3 seconds while viewing the Main
screen. The following is a list of the User screens available:
6.1 Fuel K-Factor Screen:
Note: This screen is not accessible during engine operation.
If after filling the fuel tanks you find an error between the fuel displayed in
the “Calc-Fill” column (as shown on the screen) and the actual fuel used (as read off the fuel pump), you can
manually or automatically adjust the K-Factor. The K-Factor is a measurement of the pulses per gallon that the
flow transducer outputs. Due to variations in the installation of the flow transducer, it may be necessary to adjust the
K-Factor for the first few flights in order to get an accurate fuel remain-
ing, fuel used and fuel flow reading.
The K-Factor should be changed only when the fuel tanks have been
filled accurately on level ground. After a few fill-ups and adjustments of
the K-Factor, the fuel remaining and the fuel used as calculated by the
CGR-30P should be within a few gallons (or less) of actual and should
not need further adjustment. Use the following fields, as necessary, to
correct the K-Factor.
Note: The Fuel K-Factor Screen is not accessible while in flight.
CALC-FILL – This column is calculated by the CGR-30P and
is the fuel used since the last fill-up and the calculated fuel neces-
sary to fill the tank.
ACT-FILL – Enter the fuel from the fuel pump required to fill the fuel tank(s) into this field. The difference
between the CALC-FILL and the ACT-FILL is the error. Adjusting the K-Factor will correct this error.
Feed K-Factor – This field provides the current K-Factor and the percentage error between the calculated
fuel to fill the tank(s) (CALC-FILL) and the measure fuel to fill the tank(s) (ACT-FILL).
Return K-Factor - This field is used to adjust the K-Factor for a flow transducer in the fuel return line.
Normally this field will not be used.