Teledyne 3350 - Microprocessor based control room monitor for personnel safety User Manual

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2 Operational Theory

Model 3350

Teledyne Analytical Instruments

amount in that same volume. This means that as long as the total pressure of the
sample remains constant, the mixture can change, but the diffusion of the oxygen
will be affected only by the concentration of the oxygen.

For this reason, the sample system supplying sample gas to the cell should

be designed to keep the pressure on the diffusion membrane constant.

2.2.5 Calibration Characteristics

Given that the total pressure of the sample gas at the surface of the Micro-

Fuel Cell input is constant, a convenient characteristic of the cell is that the
current produced in an external circuit of constant impedance is directly propor-
tional to the rate at which oxygen molecules reach the cathode, and this rate is
directly proportional to the concentration of oxygen in the gaseous mixture. In
other words it has a linear characteristic curve, as shown in Figure 2-2. Measur-
ing circuits do not have to compensate for nonlinearities.

Figure 2-2. Characteristic Input/Output Curve for a Micro-Fuel Cell

In addition, since there is zero output in the absence oxygen, the character-

istic curve has an absolute zero. The cell itself does not need to be zeroed.