Maintenance – Fulton Edge ICX or FB-F Vertical Tubeless Boilers (Steam), Gas Fired User Manual
Page 63

Air Gate
Viewing Port
Blast Tube
Viewing Port
Blast Tube
(4–15 HP)
Gas Head
(20–60 HP)
Air Deflector
If Applicable
Top Plate
Air Gate
Flame Rod Adjustment for Fulton
Gas Fired Steam Boilers
a) The flame rod adjustment is made
by loosening the lock nut and turning
the porcelain portion of the flame rod
clockwise or counter clockwise.
Whenever a flame rod is moved, care
should be taken to ensure that the
flame rod does not ground out by
touching the metal surface of the blast
tube assembly. A keyboard display
module can be used to determine
proper signal response. It is neces-
sary to establish pilot so that the main
gas valve will engage. The main
flame should be adjusted to an
acceptable flame signal to ensure con-
tinued performance. A poor signal will
result in the boiler flame programmer
going off on safety.
b) A single flame rod is used on 4-15
HP Fulton Boilers, and two flame rods
on 20 and 30 HP. If the boiler has two
flame rods, adjust the flame rod in the
burner plate first, with the outside one
disconnected. After a good pilot signal
is established on the inside flame rod,
then the outside flame rod can be
hooked up and the signal adjusted for
proper responses.
c) If a signal is erratic after adjusting
the flame rod, the main and secondary
air supplies may need adjusting. If a
flame rod is cracked or broken, the
porcelain will have to be replaced to
get a proper signal.
Flame Scanner Adjustments for
Fulton Gas Fired Steam Boilers
a) Flame scanner adjustments are
made with the detectors installed and
the burner running. It is essential to
obtain optimum flame signal detection
for safe and continual operation of the
control relay.
b) If a scanner is inoperable, it may
prove the detector is working and only
an adjustment to the pilot flame is
needed to improve the signal.
c) If the scanner is found to be
defective, replace.
The scanner is located on the out-
side edge of the burner top plate for
20-60 HP.
d) For the RM7800 Series use a key-
board display module or volt meter,the
flame safeguard will require a 1.25
VDC signal to pull in the main flame.
Then a maximum signal should be
obtained on main flame (5.0 VDC).
e) Adjustments to establish a good
signal may include the following items:
1) Primary and secondary air
2) Increasing the pilot gas through the
pilot gas regulator.
Checking the Stainless Steel
Combustion Ring on Fulton
Gas Fired Steam Boilers
a) The stainless steel combustion
ring in Fulton gas fired boilers
(50-60 HP only) are designed to bring
quick and effective flame transfer to
the fire wall. The ring should fit
securely and tight against the furnace
wall for best results.
b) The ring should be inspected for
distortion in the event of poor com-
bustion which could result in flame
54-G 1/01