Exp. 13 (demo): elastic and inelastic collisions, Purpose, Theory – PASCO ME-6831 Ballistic Pendulum_Projectile Launcher User Manual

Page 53: Setup, Procedure, Analysis

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M o d e l N o . M E - 6 8 3 0

E x p . 1 3 ( D e m o ) : E l a s t i c a n d I n e l a s t i c C o l l i s i o n s

0 1 2 - 0 5 3 7 5 C


Exp. 13 (Demo): Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

Equipment Needed


The purpose of this demonstration is to show the difference in kinetic energy transfer between an elastic collision
and an inelastic collisions.


The amount of kinetic energy transferred between colliding objects depends on the elasticity of the collision. By
reversing the pendulum of the Ballistic Pendulum so the ball bounces off instead of being caught, it is possible to
demonstrate this effect.



Clamp the Ballistic Pendulum/Projectile Launcher to a sturdy table with the launcher mounted in the lower
position on the upright.



Shoot the ball into the pendulum and record the angle reached.


Remove the pendulum and reinstall it in the reversed position so that the ball opening is away from the


Shoot the same ball again at the same launcher setting and note the angle reached.


The collision between the ball and the pendulum is not perfectly elastic, so kinetic energy is still not con-
served. However, the collision is more nearly elastic than the completely inelastic collision in step 1. There is
a greater transfer of kinetic energy.


Projectile Launcher and plastic or steel ball

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