Setup, Procedure – PASCO ME-6831 Ballistic Pendulum_Projectile Launcher User Manual

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P r o j e c t i l e L a u n c h e r

E x p . 6 : C o n s e r v a t i o n o f M o m e n t u m






Clamp the Projectile Launcher to a sturdy table. Mount the
Launcher near one end of the table with the Launcher
aimed inward toward the table.


Adjust the angle of the Projectile Launcher to zero degrees
so the ball will be launched horizontally onto the table.


Cover the table with white paper (such as butcher paper).
NOTE: The paper must reach the base of the Launcher.


Fire a test shot on the short range setting to make sure that
the ball lands on the table. Tape a piece of carbon paper
(carbon-side down) over the spot where the ball lands.


Mount the 2-D Collision Accessory to the front of the
Launcher.. Put a target ball on the post (“tee”) of the acces-


Loosen the thumbscrew and rotate the 2-D Collision Accessory slightly to one side.

The “tee” must be located so that the launched ball does not rebound into the Launcher but does hit the target
ball so that both balls land on the table at the same time.

Tighten the thumbscrew to hold the accessory in place.


Load the Launcher and fire a test shot to check that both balls hit the table at the same time. Tape a piece of
carbon paper on the white paper at each spot where the two balls land on the table.


A. No Collision


Put “ball 1” into the Launcher and cock it to the short range setting. Do not put a target ball on the “tee”.


Shoot the ball straight ahead and repeat the procedure five times.

B. Elastic Collision


Use two balls. Load Ball 1into the Launcher at the short range setting. Place Ball 2 on the “tee” of the 2-D
Collision Accessory.


Shoot Ball 1 so it collides with the target ball (Ball 2). Repeat the procedure five times.

C. Inelastic Collision


Use two balls. Load Ball 1into the Launcher at the short range setting. Put a small loop of sticky tape
(sticky-side out) on Ball 2 and place it on the “tee”.


Orient the tape side of Ball 2 so that it will be struck by the launched ball (Ball 1), causing an inelastic colli-


Fire a test shot to locate where the two balls hit the table. Tape a piece of carbon paper to the white paper.


Shoot Ball 1 and if the two balls stick together but miss the carbon paper, relocate the carbon paper and shoot
once more.




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