Setup, Procedure – PASCO ME-6831 Ballistic Pendulum_Projectile Launcher User Manual

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P r o j e c t i l e L a u n c h e r

E x p . 5 : C o n s e r v a t i o n o f E n e r g y






Clamp the Projectile Launcher to a sturdy table or other horizontal surface. Mount the Launcher near one end
of the table with the Launcher aimed away from the table.


Point the Launcher straight up and fire a test shot on medium range to make sure that the ball doesn’t hit the
ceiling. (If it does, use the short range setting for this experiment or put the Launcher closer to the floor.)


Adjust the angle of the Projectile Launcher to zero degrees so the ball will be launched horizontally.


Part A: Determine the Initial Speed (without photogates)


Put the plastic ball into the Launcher and cock it to the medium range setting. Fire one shot to locate where the
ball hits the floor. At that position, tape a piece of white paper to the floor. Place a piece of carbon paper (car-
bon-side down) on top of the white paper and tape it in place

When the ball hits the carbon paper, it will leave a mark on the white paper.


Fire ten shots.


Measure the vertical distance from the bottom of the ball as it leaves the barrel to the floor. Record this dis-
tance in the Table 5.1. Use the distance to calculate the time of flight and record it.

The “Launch Position of Ball” in the barrel is marked on the label on the side of the Launcher.


Use a plumb bob to find the point on the floor that is directly beneath the release point on the barrel. Measure
the horizontal distance along the floor from the release point to the leading edge of the piece of white paper.
Record the distance in Table 5.1.


Carefully remove the carbon paper. Measure from the leading edge of the white paper to each of the ten dots
and record these distances in Table 5.1.


Find the average of the ten distances and record it.


Using the horizontal distance and the time of flight, calculate the initial speed of the ball. Record the speed.

Table 5.1:





Vertical distance

Calculated time of flight

Horizontal distance to edge of paper

Initial speed

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