Scienceworkshop – PASCO ME-8091 Wilberforce Pendulum User Manual
Page 17

Wilberforce Pendulum
Model No. ME-8091
Appendix C: DataStudio Setup Instructions for
Wilberforce Pendulum Experiments with
1. Connect the sensors to the ScienceWorkshop interface, as follows:
a) Plug the stereo plugs on the Motion Sensor to digital channels 1
and 2 on the interface. b) Plug the DIN connector on the Force
Sensor to any analog channel on the interface. c) Plug the stereo
plug of the Laser Switch into digital channel 3 on the
ScienceWorkshop interface.
2. Open DataStudio and select “Create Experiment.”
3. Click the Setup button to open the Experiment Setup window.
4. In the Sensors list, drag the Motion Sensor icon to the first two
digital channels on the picture of the interface. Drag the Force
Sensor to the same channel you have the sensor plugged into on
the picture of the interface.
5. Select the Smart Pulley from the Sensors list and drag it to the third
digital channel on the interface. [For the Laser Switch, you will use
the Smart Pulley icon (instead of the Laser Switch icon) in the
Setup window. If you use the Laser Switch icon, you need to set up
a timing scheme in DataStudio.]
6. Double click on the Smart Pulley icon to open the Sensor Properties
dialog. In the Measurement tab, click to check the Angular
Position (rad), Angular Velocity (rad/s), and Angular Acceleration
(rad/s/s) options.
7. Your experiment is setup in DataStudio. On the main toolbar, click
the Start button to begin recording data. You will obtain six
graphs: position vs. time, velocity vs. time, force vs. time, angular
position vs. time, angular velocity vs. time, and angular
acceleration vs. time.
Note: If you do not see the
Sensor list, click the Setup
button on the main tool-
bar. In the Experiment
Setup window, click the
Change button. In the
“Please Choose Data
Source” window, select
the appropriate interface
and click the OK button.
Note: Calibration of the
Force Sensor is optional.
However, if you wish to
calibrate, click on the Cal-
ibration tab and follow the
“General Procedure for
Calibrating Sensors” in
the DataStudio online
help. You will need a set
of known masses for cali-
brating the Force Sensor.