Nova-Tech LMI Series G - SG Metering Pump User Manual

Page 19

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To avoid excessive downtime in the event of a
parts malfunction, the spare parts shown below
should be stocked for each pump to prevent seri-
ous delays in repairs. Refer to Figures 8–14 and
the accompanying parts lists. For your conve-
nience, these parts can be purchased either sepa-
rately or packaged in the form of Routine
Preventive Maintenance (RPM) Kits. RPM kit
numbers are listed in Section 1.

RPM kit numbers RPM019 through RPM030 con-
tain pre-assembled diaphragms, oil seal and check
valve parts. Cap piece (240), set screw (250), dia-
phragm (260), and support nut (270) is pre-assem-
bled in kits RPM019 through RPM030. A spanner
wrench, which may not always be available in the
field, is required to disassemble the diaphragm

RPM Kits RPM045 through RPM053 and RPM126,
through RPM220 contain a diaphragm, oil seal,
and check valve parts. Series G Model G pumps
built with the latest design do not need a spanner
wrench to disassemble the diaphragm assembly.
The diaphragm assembly can be disassembled
with a 30mm socket (Section 4, paragraph 4.4.2).
The diaphragm can then be replaced.

Either type of kit can be used for your pump. The
user must decide which type is better for them.
When ordering RPM Kits RPM045 through
RPM053 for an old style pump, where a spanner
wrench is required to disassemble the diaphragm
assembly, order a new hex head support nut (270)
with the RPM kit. Future maintenance on the Mac-
roy pump will not require a spanner wrench.

SG5, Metallic Liquid End

(1) Diaphragm (260)

(2) Oil Seal (70)

(3) Check Valve Assemblies (425)

(See parts list)

All Other Liquid Ends

(1) Diaphragm (260)

(2) Oil Seal (70)

(3) Seat, O-Ring, Ball Set (423)

(See parts list)

Parts orders must include the following:

1. Quantity required

2. Part number

3. Part description

4. Pump serial number (found on nameplate)

5. Pump model number (found on nameplate)

6. Pump product code (found on nameplate)

Always include the serial number, model number,
and product code in all correspondence regarding
the unit.

Drive Worms and Gears

Worms (Fig 7, Item 342) and gears (50) must be
sold in sets to assure proper operation.


Pumps can not be accepted for repair without a
Return Material Authorization. Pumps should be
clearly labeled to indicate the liquid being pumped.
Process liquid should be flushed from the pump liq-
uid end and oil should be drained from the pump
housing before the pump is shipped.

NOTE: Federal law prohibits handling of
equipment that is not accompanied by an
OSHA Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). A
completed MSDS must be packed in the ship-
ping crate with any pump shipped for repair.
These safety precautions will aid the trouble-
shooting and repair procedure and preclude
serious injury to repair personnel from hazard-