Magnum Venus Plastech PATRIOT SSB Commissioning and instruction User Manual
Page 10
SSB_Auto Instructions Issue 05
A/ In dispense mode there is no need to flush the mixing head as this is by-passed and
not used for dispense operation.
B/ Care must be exercised in dispense mode as at any time the pump start/stop control
is switched on resin will flow from the machine.
C/ To re-circulate the resin and catalyst when in dispense mode it is imperative that the
recirculation pipes are placed back into their respective containers.
6.0 Shut down
6.2 If the machine has been in use as a non mix dispenser then also place both resin and
catalyst dispense hoses back into their respective containers securely.
6.3 Operate the pump to the down stroke limit by use of the recirculation switch. (Observed by
the catalyst pump body below the guard at the lowest movement position) This ensures that the
resin pump piston shaft remains unexposed to air during shutdown and thus lengthens the life
of the shaft seal.
6.4 Turn off machine air supply by pushing the emergency stop button to OFF locked position.
7.0 Routine Maintenance
Ensure working parts of machine are kept clean. Also ensure all controls and indicators remain
clean. The gauges are glass faced and can be cleaned with solvent however all other plastic
controls should be cleaned with non solvent based cleaners. Remove all spillages from
machine. Immediately correct any air leaks or seepage of any fluid from machine.
7.1 Resin pump. During normal use the resin pump lubrication cup needs to be topped up with
pump lube. This should be checked at least once a week during normal daily production use.
See separate sheet on internal part maintenance in section 8.0
7.2 Catalyst pump and feed and recirculation pipes. The catalyst pump needs no regular
maintenance however any seepage producing catalyst spillage from the machine from catalyst
pump top seal indicates catalyst pump top seal replacement. See separate sheet on internal
part maintenance in section 8.0.
Please note seepage of catalyst NOT producing leakage onto the workshop floor from
this point on the catalyst pump is acceptable
Visually check security and condition of catalyst feed pipe from Catalyst bottle and smaller
recirculation pipe and all associated fittings. If any show signs of wear, seepage or distortion,
replace with new parts immediately. Ensure Catalyst feed pipe is routed from catalyst bottle to
pump lower fitting around the right hand outside of the machine chassis