Magnum Venus Plastech PATRIOT SSB Commissioning and instruction User Manual

Magnum Venus Plastech Equipment

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SSB_Auto Instructions Issue 05


SSB Commissioning and instruction manual

Automatic head version design only

To enable quick understanding of machine controls please read the following
descriptions referenced to this general machine view

The Resin head Automatic
valve is as detailed in the head
section of the manual

Solvent isolation valve

The Catalyst head valve is an
automatic version as detailed
head section of manual

Pump speed regulator


Mould Pressure Guard

Catalyst Bottle 5L


outlet point

Solvent tank 20L

Pump Speed air pressure

Emergency stop/ ON/OFF

Mix resin pressure

Counter (1 = 100cc)

Reset (Side mounted)
Mix Resin Pressure Regulator

Solvent/Air Flush

Pump Start /Stop

Additional auto equipment
includes PDC and RGA
detailed in manual

Side mounted PVSensor plug
point (3 pin)

Ratio arm Cover

Catalyst over Pressure switch

Catalyst pump