Introduction, Fleetconnect system components – Liquid Controls EZConnect Office User Manual
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fleetConnect system Components
dMs I1000
The DMS i1000 is an in-cab computer with a heavy-
duty lap pad interface. The DMS i1000 runs multiple
DMS i1000 software application programs designed
for specific types of fuel delivery companies. The
applications record operational and fueling data during
custody transfers. The recorded data is transferred to
an office PC via a USB device, RF communication, or
cellular transmission. Every DMS i1000 comes equipped
with two support software programs, LCP File Server
and LCR Host. LCP File Server is a file manager
program for maintaining and managing files. LCR Host
is used to set up LectroCount register networks and
calibrate the metering system.
eZConneCT buTTon reader and rfId buTTons
The EZConnect button reader is a handheld device that
reads the ID number of uniquely-numbered stainless
steel buttons called RFID buttons. During setup, a
vehicle file is created for every fuelable vehicle or piece
of equipment that you fuel. Then, each vehicle file is
then programmed with a RFID button number. Finally,
the RFID buttons are physically attached to the vehicle
they represent in the FleetConnect database. Before fuel
deliveries, fuelers attach the EZConnect to a vehicle’s
RFID button. A RF transceiver inside the EZConnect
transmits the ID number to the DMS i1000. DMS i1000
FleetConnect pulls the vehicle file with the RFID button
number and records the delivery information together
according to vehicle data.
The printer prints out a record of the delivery. The Epson
Roll Printer is ideal for the long tickets FleetConnect
prints at the end of driver shifts.
Epson Roll Printer
DMS i1000
and Lap Pad
EZConnect Button Reader
with RFID Button