Setup – Liquid Controls EZConnect Office User Manual

Page 18

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4. prInT sTICkers of vehICle dIreCTory (ConT.)

To create a mail merge using Microsoft Word©


1. Open a new document in Microsoft Word© 2003
2. Click

Tools >Letters and Mailings>Mail Merge...

Inside the

Windows© window, a column titled Mail

Merge will appear to the right of the document. The Mail

Merge column will lead you through six steps. The final

step will print the vehicle list onto the stickers.

3. Select document type - Step 1 of 6

a. In the

Mail Merge column, under Select document

type select


b. At the bottom of the

Mail Merge column

under Step 1 of 6, click Next: Starting


4. Select starting document - Step 2 of 6

a. In the

Mail Merge column, under Select starting

document select Change document layout.

b. Click

Label options... When the Label Options

window opens, choose the

Label Products: and the

Product Number: that match your stickers. Click


c. At the bottom of the

Mail Merge column under Step 2

of 6, click

Next: Select Recipients

5. Select recipients - Step 3 of 6

a. In the

Mail Merge column, under Select recipients


Use an existing list.

b. Click

Browse. In the Select Data Source window,

open the .doc file of the vehicle list.

c. In the

Mail Merge Recipients window, Click OK.

d. At the bottom of the

Mail Merge column under Step 3

of 6, click

Next: Arrange your labels

Mail Merge Window

Label Options Window

Select Data Source Window

Mail Merge Recipients Window