Introduction, Fleetconnect data flow – Liquid Controls EZConnect Office User Manual

Page 11

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FleetConnect Data Flow

fleeTConneCT offICe To dMs i1000 applICaTIons

(Begins at the middle top of the chart on page 10—

FleetConnect Office—and ends at the bottom of the

diagram—DMS i1000 FleetConnect.)

fleeTConneCT offICe

FCEdit converts the text files (and any configuration

changes made in third-party software) into .502 and .slf
database files.

daTa TransMIssIon (WIreless)

DB Manager sends modified transaction files to the

DMS i1000s wirelessly. By sending only modified “live”

files, cellular service costs and transmission times are

reduced. DBManager checks newly converted .502 and

.slf database files against a set of “live” files. “Live” files

are the most recent set of database files created by

FleetConnect Office. If a new database file is created

that differs from the “live” file, it means the file has been

modified since the last data transmission from the DMS


daTa TransMIssIon (usb MeMory devICe)

Transferring data via USB memory devices requires the

fuelers to bring the USB devices to the delivery truck

at the beginning of their shift, plug the USB device into

the DMS i1000, and load any new files onto the DMS

i1000 by using the

Retrieve Database Updates

command. If the new .502 files have been copied to

the USB memory devices in the office, they will simply

rewrite the .502 files on the DMS i1000s when your

fuelers upload them.

dMs i1000

Modified .502 and .slf database files are loaded into

the LCP File Server of a DMS i1000. If a USB memory

device is being used, the

Retrieve Database


command must be used to load the database

files. RF and cellular transmissions can be setup to

automatically load database files every time the DMS

i1000 sends data (this applies to logging on, logging off,

completing a delivery, and editing the database). Any

changes made on the office PC and received by the

DMS i1000 are applied to all subsequent deliveries.

dMs i1000 applICaTIons To fleeTConneCT offICe

(Begins at the bottom of the chart on page 10—DMS

i1000 FleetConnect—and ends at the middle top of the

diagram—FleetConnect Office.)

dMs i1000

After each delivery, the DMS i1000 compiles the

metrological, transaction, customer, driver, and product

data into transaction files (.trn). The transaction files

are then sent to the office PC either wirelessly (RF or

cellular), or they are downloaded to a USB memory


daTa TransMIssIon (WIreless)

If the transaction files are sent wirelessly (RF or cellular)

using the

Send Transactions to Office

command, DB Manager receives the transaction files

(.trn) and notifies FleetConnect Office that the files have

been received. Transmissions can be setup to be sent

automatically to the office

daTa TransMIssIon (usb MeMory devICe)

If the transaction files are sent via USB memory

device, when a shift is finished, the fuelers download

the transaction files created during their shift using the

Send Transactions to Office

command and

return the USB device to the office after their shift.

fleeTConneCT offICe sofTWare

FCRead converts the transaction files (.trn) into ASCII

text or XML files. The files can then be absorbed into

third party software.
If the files are transferred via a USB memory device,

they must be copied from the USB device and pasted

into the C:/DMS folder. From there, FCRead can convert
them into text or XML files.

ThIrd parTy sofTWare

Third-party software imports the ASCII text files

from FleetConnect Office for processing and report

generation. If any dispatch data is generated by the

third-party software, it can be converted into ASCII text

files and imported into the FleetConnect database.