Introduction, Fleetconnect system components – Liquid Controls EZConnect Office User Manual
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fleetConnect system Components
MeTerInG sysTeM
Typically mounted to the back or side of a delivery
vehicle, the metering system accurately measures,
controls the flow, and preserves the purity of the
product. A Liquid Controls metering system can include
the meter, LCR electronic register, strainer, ETVC
probe (temperature compensation), air eliminator, and
control valve. In FleetConnect systems, the control
valve is opened only when vehicles are identified by
the EZConnect button reader as a safeguard against
leCTroCounT reGIsTers
LectroCount registers are Weights & Measures approved
electronic registers typically mounted on the meter.
LectroCount registers provide metrological data during
custody transfers and relay the data to the DMS i1000.
usb rfId buTTon reader
The USB RFID Button Reader is a convenient tool
for identifying and mapping RFID buttons during
FleetConnect setup. It plugs in to a USB port on your
office PC and reads RFID button numbers.
M-10 Meter with LectroCount LCR-II Electronic Register,
Optical Air Eliminator, Hi Capacity Strainer, and E-7 Valve.
LectroCount Registers
USB RFID Button Reader