Dms system overview – Liquid Controls DMS Installation User Manual

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M-10 Meter with LectroCount LCR-II Electronic Register,

Optical Air Eliminator, Hi Capacity Strainer, and E-7 Valve.


and Lap Pad

Epson Printers

USB Memory Device

MeTerInG sysTeM

Typically mounted to the back or side of a delivery

vehicle, the metering system accurately measures,

stops and starts the flow, and preserves the purity of the

product. A Liquid Controls metering system can include

the meter, a LectroCount electronic register, a strainer,

an ETVC (temperature compensation) probe, an air

eliminator, and a control valve.

leCTroCounT lCr-II & lCr 600

The LectroCount LCR-II and LCR 600 are weights

& measures approved electronic registers typically

mounted on top of the meter. They gather metrological

data during custody transfers and relay it to the DMS.


The DMS is an in-cab computer with a heavy-duty

lap pad interface. The DMS module runs application

software designed by Liquid Controls for use with

specific types of fuel delivery. These software

applications combine the metrological data from a

LectroCount register with your company’s operational

data to produce a complete record of fueling activity.

From the DMS, the data can be transferred—via a USB

device, RF communication, or cellular transmission—to

an office PC.

Every DMS comes equipped with two support

applications: LCP File Server and LCR Host software.

LCP File Server is a file manager program where

operators can maintain and manage files. LCR Host

is used to setup LCR/DMS networks, configure most

LectroCount registers and calibrate the metering system.


Printers provide physical records of deliveries, shift totals

and a selection of reports available in the suite of DMS

Application Software. The most commonly used printers

are the Epson slip printer and the Epson roll printer. Both

print a multi-layer ticket so one copy may be left with

the customer and the other can be retained for fueling

records. A power cable is included with both printers. A

data cable for connection to the DMS is available as an


usb flash MeMory devICe

The USB Flash Memory Device is a data repository used

to transfer data between the DMS and the office PC. It is

included with the DMS.

dMs sysTeM overvIeW

LectroCount LCR-II

LectroCount LCR 600