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Our Serial Input Meter (or remote display) accepts serial data from computers, program-
mable controllers, instruments or other devices to provide a six-digit numeric display from
-999,999 to +999,999. It can also provide relay closures and analog outputs based on the
received serial data. Its appearance matches that of our 1/8 DIN digital panel meters, counters
and timers.
The Serial Input Meter is a 6-digit counter without a signal conditioner board. A serial com-
munications board is required. Choices are Ethernet, Ethernet-to-RS485 converter, USB, USB-
to-RS485 converter, RS485 with dual RJ11 connectors for daisy chaining, Modbus RS485 with
dual RJ45 connectors for daisy chaining, and RS232. Three serial protocols are user select-
able: Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, and our Custom ASCII protocol. The Modbus protocol
allows devices by different manufacturers to share the same data line, but our Custom ASCII
protocol is simpler and is recommended when only our devices are on the line.
The simultaneous display of multiple parameters using multiple remote displays is possible
if the sending unit is one of our counters equipped with an FR (frequency) or VF (voltage-to-
frequency) signal conditioner board. While the sending counter can only display one selected
parameter at a time (such as rate for channel A), up to four parameters can be transmitted in
the serial data (such as rate A, rate B, ratio A/B and peak). A serial input meter can be set up
to display any of the transmitted items.
A single or dual analog output board is optional. Opto-isolation and 16-bit output resolution
turn the Serial Input Meter into a low-cost and highly accurate isolated digital-to-analog conver-
ter or transmitter. The dual analog output board uses the same digital input to provide two
individually scaled isolated analog outputs, such as 4-20 mA plus 0-10V.
A 2- or 4-relay output board is optional and can add alarm or setpoint control capability. The
relays can be 8A contact relays or 130 mA opto-isolated AC/DC solid state relays. The relays
can respond to the transmitted values or to any of 8 serially transmitted control characters. The
control characters can be generated by external software or by one of our meters, counters or
timers, thereby assuring that the local and remote alarm points are identical.
A standard switching power supply allows the Serial Input Meter to be powered worldwide
from 85 to 264 Vac. An optional power supply operates from batteries or low voltage sources,
such as 12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc.
The meter case meets the 1/8 DIN size standard and is sealed to NEMA-4X (IP65) when
panel mounted. Mounting is from the front of the panel and requires less than 110 mm behind
the panel. All wiring is via removable plugs conforming to IEC950 safety standards. All output
options are isolated from meter and power grounds to 250 Vac.
Meter programming can be via the meter’s front panel or a PC running Windows based
Instrument Setup (IS) Software.
Operation as a remote display is also selectable for our 6-digit counters with a signal
conditioner, as explained in our separate Counter Manual. This manual leaves out all informa-
tion associated with signal conditioners.