Cashco C-CS User Manual

Page 2

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NOTE: The regulator set point must be set



fl owing conditions.

1. CCW = Counter Clockwise,

CW = Clockwise.

2. Inspect the unit's nameplate to confi rm that

the proper range spring is installed in the
reg u la tor. Apply setpoint pres sures that are
only within the stated range.

3. Start with the block valves closed. A bypass

valve may be used to maintain outlet pressure
in the down stream system while performing
the following steps.

4. Relax compression of range spring (7) by

turning handle (6) counter-clockwise (CCW)
until rotation stops. Rotate handle (6) clock-
wise (CW) three (3) full revolutions to maintain
spring (7) to di a phragm(17) contact. This
reduces the outlet pres sure setpoint.

5. If piping system includes a bypass valve,

slowly open the bypass valve to preheat the
system piping and to allow slow expansion of
the piping. Ensure proper steam trap op er a-
tion, if installed. To prevent overpressurization,
closely mon i tor out let (down stream) pressure
with a gauge. NOTE: If no bypass valve is
installed, extra caution should be used in
starting up a cold system; i.e. do everything

6. Crack open the outlet (downstream) block



7. Slowly open the inlet (upstream) block valve

ob serv ing the outlet (downstream) pressure
gauge. De ter mine if the regulator is fl owing
(see NOTE above step 1). If no fl ow, rotate the
reg u la tor handle (6) CW (viewed from above)
until fl ow begins. De ter mine if downstream
equip ment is in operation.

8. Continue to slowly open the inlet (upstream)

block valve until fully open.

9. Continue to slowly open the outlet (down-

stream) block valve. When fl ow is es tab lished
steady enough that the outlet (down stream)
block valve is fully open, begin to slowly
close the bypass valve, if installed, until fully

10. Develop system fl ow to a level near its ex-

pect ed normal rate and reset the regulator
setpoint by turning the handle (6) CW (viewed
from above) to increase outlet pres sure or
CCW to reduce outlet pressure.

11. Reduce system fl ow to a minimum level and

observe setpoint. Outlet pressure will rise from
the setpoint of Step 10. The max i mum rise
in outlet pressure on de creas ing fl ow should
not exceed the stated upper limit of the range
spring by greater than 30%; i.e. 10-30 psig
(.69-2.1 Barg) range spring – at low fl ow the
outlet pres sure should not ex ceed 39 psig (2.7
Barg). If it does, consult factory.



1. On systems with a bypass valve, and where

system pressure is to be main tained as the
reg u la tor is shutdown, slow ly open the by pass
valve while closing the inlet block valve. Fully
close the inlet block valve. When on bypass,
the system pres sure must be con stant ly ob-
served and man u al ly reg u lat ed.

2. If the regulator and system are to both be

shut down, slowly close the inlet block valve.
Close the outlet valve only if reg u la tor re mov al
is required.

2. A complete diaphragm failure will cause the

reg u la tor to fail open.

the port; as outlet pressure in creas es, the
diaphragm pushes up and the port closes.

Mod el C-CS as overpressurizing reg u la tor may
damage internals.