Cashco POSR-1 User Manual

Page 9

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5. Close needle valve at outlet connection of main

valve (MV). Crack open the needle valve at
the pilot valve (PV) outlet.

6. Rotate adjusting screw (19) of pilot valve (PV)

CW (viewed from above adjusting screw) until
a point of high resistance occurs; this should
correspond to the diaphragm (12) pushing
against the body's (1) down trav el stops. Re-
cord the number of rev o lu tions the ad just ing
screw was rotated in the box below:

No. of revolutions the adjusting screw
was ro tat ed ______________.

7. Slowly pressurize the inlet of the main valve

(MV) and pilot valve (PV) to 100 psig (6.9

NOTE: If the pilot valve (PV) has any other
range spring (15) above 5–15 psig (.34–1.03
Barg), the test pressure can be raised to 200
psig (13.8 Barg).

8. Using a solution of leak detection fl uid and

water, apply a liberal amount of the solution
to cover each external joint, in clud ing the
thread ed fi ttings (20), tub ing (21) and the in-
terconnecting pipe nipple (19) threaded con-
nec tions. Wait a minimum of fi ve minutes to
allow suffi cient time for a leak to form bubbles.
Repeat this procedure with a second fi ve min-
ute wait.

9. Identify and mark any observed leakage.

Dis as sem ble down to the point of leakage
and determine the cause of the leak. Repair
and reassemble per instructions in Section
VI. Retest per Section VII.

10. Shut off pressure to inlet con nec tion of main

valve (MV) and re move all leak testing equip-
ment. Reset the adjusting screw (19) back to
its normal setpoint by rotating the screw (19)
CCW (viewed from above) the same num ber
of revolutions re cord ed in Ar ti cle 6. pre vi ous,
this sub-section.

6. Relax the range spring (15) by rotating the

ad just ing screw (19) CCW (viewed from above
ad just ing screw until fully loose. Keep track of
the num ber of rev o lu tions in the box below:

No. of Revolutions adjusting screw ro tat ed:


7. Connect temporary air supply with in-line ad-

just able airset regulator to P


outlet of pilot.

Slow ly pres sur ize the pilot valve (PV) while
ob serv ing the jar with water. Bring pres sure
to 50 psig (3.4 Barg). Wait a minimum of fi ve
min utes. Observe for leak age of bubbles in the
water jar. If the number of bubbles is greater
than one (1) per minute, the leakage is at the
point where trim re place ment is rec om mend ed.
(Rec om mend pres sure in teg ri ty test per Sub-
Section D. here in.)

8. Remove leak test apparatus. Re in stall brass

fi t tings (20) using suitable thread sealant.
Reinstall all tubing (21).

C. Seat Leakage – Main Valve (MV):

Seat leakage rate for main valve cylinder
(3.1) and piston (3.2) should be equiv a lent
to ANSI/FCI 70-2, Class IV (approaches
0.1% of rated valve capapcity).

D. Pressure Integrity Leak Test:

1. Test pilot valve (PV) and main valve (MV)

assembled together with all interconnecting
pipe (19), tubing (21) and fi ttings (20).

2. Insert tapped pipe plugs with hose fi ttings to

both inlet and outlet body (1) connections.

3. Install temporary hoses with tight shutoff in-

stru ment needle valves at outlet connection of
main valve (MV) and of the pilot valve (PV).

4. Connect temporary air supply with in-line

adjustable airset regulator to inlet connection
of main valve (MV).



Possible Causes



Wet steam or condensate at the inlet.


Install a steam trap on the inlet side of the regulator.


Clogged pilot valve screen.


Clean or replace. Blowdown inlet drip leg. Install upstream strainer, if


Regulator oversized for fl ow conditions.


Install correct size.


Insuffi ciently sloped line.


Move tap from top of pipe to side; or, increase sensing tube to 3/8" OD.

1. Erratic or Noisy Operation.