Cashco POSR-1 User Manual
Page 4
8. When fl ow is established steady enough that
the inlet (upstream) block valve is fully open,
begin to slowly close the bypass valve and
continue until fully closed.
9. Develop
fl ow to a level near its ex pect ed
normal rate, and reset the reg u la tor setpoint
by turning the pi lot valve ad just ing screw CW
A. General
1. On systems with a bypass valve, and where
system pressure is to be main tained as the
POSR-1 is shut down, slowly open the by pass
valve while closing the inlet (up stream) block
valve. Fully close the inlet (up stream) block
valve. (When on by pass, the sys tem pres sure
must be con stant ly ob served and man u al ly
reg u lat ed.) Close the outlet (down stream)
block valve. Close the nee dle valve on the
pilot valve’s sensing line.
2. If the regulator and system are to both be shut-
down, slowly close the inlet (up stream) block
valve. Close the out let (down stream) valve
only if reg u la tor re mov al is required. Close
the needle valve on the pilot valve’s sensing
For POSR-1-20 close manual loading valve
and relieve loading pressure.
4. All indicated item numbers that are with
respect to the Pilot Valve will be in pa ren -
the sis and underscored, i.e. (14), (PV). All item
numbers that are with respect to the Main Valve
will NOT be underscored, i.e. (1), (MV).
5. Refer to Figures 3 and 4 for item num ber
6. Most pilot-operated valve operation problems
center around the pilot valve (PV). Cashco
always rec om mends full maintenance on any
POSR-1 pilot valve (PV) once a POSR-1 is
removed from the pipeline.
B. Separation:
1. Observe position of pilot valve (PV) with
respect to main valve (MV) before dis as -
sem bling.
2. Place main valve body (1) into a vise, oriented
to allow rotation of pilot valve (PV) to geth er
with in ter con nect ing pipe nipple (19).
3. Remove loading tubing (21) at both end fi t-
tings (20) by rotating nut CCW (viewed from
(viewed from above) to in crease outlet pres-
sure, or CCW to reduce outlet pres sure.
10. Reduce system fl ow to a minimum level and
observe setpoint. Outlet pressure will rise from
the set point of Step 9. There should be no
more than a 10% vari a tion in outlet pres sure
over the max i mum to min i mum fl ow range.
Do not walk away and leave a bypassed reg u la tor unat-
tended when on manual bypass!
SYSTEM UNDER PRESSURE. Prior to performing any
maintenance, isolate the regulator from the sys tem and
relieve all pressure. Failure to do so could result in per-
sonal injury.
A. General:
1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are based
upon removal of the regulator unit from the
pipeline where installed.
2. Owner should refer to owner’s procedures for
re mov al, handling, cleaning and dis pos al of
non-reuseable parts, i.e. gaskets, etc. Cash co
recommends not reusing any gas kets, but re-
placing with only new and fac to ry supplied
3. This regulator is supplied from the factory
using a gasket sealing aid, Federal Pro cess
Company, PLS
2, or equal. Such compatible
sealing aids may be utilized by the Owner, if