Cashco POSR-1 User Manual

Page 6

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14. Remove plug spring (7) and plug (4.2) from

body (1) recess.

15. Using needle nose pliers, carefully remove

the screen (6) from the body (1) recess.

16. Inspect body cap (9), screen (6), plug spring (7),

and plug (4.2) for buildup or fi lming. If parts are
“sticking” together, then improper condensate
corrosion treatment is likely. If scale or other
debris is present, then an up stream strainer
is recommended.

17. Using a 5/8" deepwell socket, rotate valve seat

(4.1) CCW (viewed from above) to re mov al.

18. Remove seat gasket (8) using a tool with a

bent sharp end. Discard the seat gasket (8).

19. Using a sharp edged tool, clean all gasket sur-

fac es, and metal-to-metal contact sur fac es of
body (1), valve seat (4.1) and body cap (9).

20. Lap plug (4.2) with valve seat (4.1) using a

suitable lapping compound. Do for new re-
place ment plug (4.2) and seat (4.1) also.

21. Solvent clean all loose internal parts of pilot

valve (PV). Inspect the valve seat (4.1) and
plug (4.2) for wear. Replace the valve seat
(4.1) and plug (4.2) together, even if only one
piece shows signifi cant wear. Solvent clean
body (1).

22. Place body (1) into vise with body cap (9)

opening upwards.

23. Place seat gasket (8) into recess.

24. Put thread lubricant onto valve seat (4.1), and

rotate valve seat (4.1) into threaded re cess by
rotating CW (viewed from above) until seat
(4.1) shoulders against body (1).

25. NOTE: Replace screen (6) only if necessary.

Using a 3/4" (19 mm) round bar, form and inter-
lock the fl at screen (6) similar to the removed
screen (6) being re placed. Slide formed screen
(6) off of bar. Insert the screen into the body
recess and over the hex points of the valve
seat (4.1). Ensure concentricity of positioned
screen (6).

26. Place plug spring (7) into recess of plug (4.2),

and position plug’s (4.2) stem-end through the
valve seat (4.1).

27. Place thread lubricant on threads of body cap

(9). Capture protruding plug (4.2) end and plug

spring (7) with body cap (9) recess. Rotate
body cap (9) CW (viewed from above) until
shouldering on body (1). Hammer rap wrench
handle to ensure tightness.

28. Remove body (1) from vise and reposition with

di a phragm fl ange oriented on top.

29. Place thread sealant/lubricant onto threads

of bellows (11). Insert fl at-end of stem exten-
sion (10) into the center of the bellows (11);
cham fered end of stem ex ten sion (10) should
be protruding bellows (11). Invert bellows (11)
with stem extension (10) into body (1) recess.
Allow stem extension (10) to “fall” into thread ed
opening for bellows (11). Align threaded por-
tion of bellows (11); rotate CW (viewed from
above) the same number of engaged rev o -
lu tions recorded in article 8. previous, this
sub-sec tion.

30. Place diaphragm gasket (13) onto body’s (1)

fl ange aligning cutouts of gasket (13) with bolt
hole open ings.

31. Place diaphragm(s) (12) onto body (1) po-

si tioned concentrically. NOTE: Reassemble
pilot valve (PV) ONLY with the number of
di a phragms (12) disassembled with; the 5–15
psig (0.34–1.03 Barg) spring range uses only
one diaphragm (12).

32. Concentrically position pressure plate (14)

onto diaphragm(s) (12).

33. Set range spring (15) over hub of pressure

plate (14).

34. Place multi-purpose, high temperature grease

into recess of spring button (16) where ad just-
ing screw (19) bears. Place spring button (16)
over top-end of range spring (15) with greased
recess on top side.

35. Clean threads of diaphragm bolting (17) (18).

Place thread lubricant on bolts (17). Engage
two sets of bolting (17) (18) for ease in ro ta-
tion; disengage.

36. Place

the two bolts (17) of above, ap prox i mate-

ly 180° across through body (1) di a phragm
fl ange from un der neath side. Hold bolts (17)
with fi ngers of one hand to keep from falling

37. Set spring chamber (2) down over the two

pro trud ing bolts (17), aligning the matchmarks
of article 3. pre vi ous, this sub-section.