Cashco DA4 User Manual
Page 8

c. Type
1. Stretch o-ring energizer/seal (27.2)
over low er cir cum fer ence of piston-
guide bear ing (13), tak ing care not
to “cut” o-ring energizer/seal (27.2).
Using thumbs, work the o-ring en er-
giz er/seal up and into the groove of
the bear ing (13). NOTE: A very
slight amount of fl uid and elas tomer
compatible lu bri cant is rec om mend ed
as an in stal la tion aid.
2. Place wiper washer (17.1) into “cup” of
Wiper Seal (16). Holding these parts
(17.1 & 16) between thumb and fore-
fi nger, in sert into cage (19) at an ap-
proximate 45° angled approach with
wiper washer (17.1) on bottom, wiper
seal (16) on top with turned-down lip
of wiper seal (16) en ter ing cage (19)
fi rst. Rotate wiper seal (16) and wiper
washer (17.1) to a level po si tion ap-
proximately half way down into cage
(19). Allow wiper washer (17.1) to rest
on bottom of cage (19).
3. Position TFE cap seal (27.1) ring with
rectangular cross-section at end of
pis ton-guide bearing (13). Stretch cap
seal (27.1) over lower end of piston-
guide bear ing (13) using thumbs to
work the cap seal (27.1) onto the
bearing (13). DO NOT USE A TOOL
FOR THIS STEP. Con tin ue press-
ing cap seal (27.1) up wards towards
the groove until the cap seal (27.1)
“snaps” into the groove of the piston-
guide bearing (13).
4. Position piston-guide bearing (13)
over and into upper end of cage (19)
until the cap seal (27.1) edge touches
the upper lip of the cage (19). While
gently applying force to press the
piston-guide bushing (13) into the
cage (19), simultaneously use fi n gers
to lightly press the cap seal (27.1)
inwards into the groove of the pis ton-
guide bearing (13) until the cap seal
(27.1) “slips into” the cage (19). DO
(19). Do not press in wards on the Cap
Seal (27.1) too much or the cap seal
(27.1) may slide out of its groove or the
cap seal (27.1) can be damaged.
d. Type
1. Stretch corrugated metal piston ring
en er giz er (27.6) over lower cir cum fer-
ence of piston-guide bearing (13).
Using thumbs work the energizer
(27.6) into the bearing (13) groove.
2. Spread a piston ring seal (27.5) and
slide over lower circumference of
pis ton-guide bearing (13), taking care
not to “cut” piston ring seal (27.5).
Using thumbs, work the piston ring
seal (27.5) into the groove of the
bearing (13). Repeat this procedure
with a second piston ring seal (27.5).
NOTE: A piston ring as sem bly (PRA)
consists of one metal corrugated
energizer (27.6) and two piston ring
seals (27.5).
3. Position piston-guide bearing (13)
over and into upper end of cage (19)
until the lower piston ring seal (27.5)
touches the upper lip of the cage (19).
While gently applying force to press
the piston-guide bearing (13) into the
cage (19), si mul ta neous ly use fi n gers
to lightly circumferentially press the
fi rst (lower) piston ring seal (27.5) in-
wards into the piston-guide bearing
(13) groove until the fi rst piston ring
seal (27.5) “slips into” the cage (19).
Repeat for the second piston ring seal
e. Type
1. Place wiper washer (17.1) into “cup”
of Wiper Seal (16). Holding these
parts (17.1 & 16) between thumb and
forefi nger, in sert into cage (19) at an
approximate 45° angled approach
with wiper washer (17.1) on bottom,
wiper seal (16) on top with turned-
down lip of wiper seal (16) en ter ing
cage (19) fi rst. Rotate wiper seal (16)
and wiper washer (17.1) to a level
po si tion approximately half way down
into cage (19). Allow wiper washer
(17.1) to rest on bottom of cage (19).
2. Stretch corrugated metal piston ring
en er giz er (27.6) over lower cir cum fer-
ence of piston-guide bearing (13).
Using thumbs work the energizer
(27.6) into the bearing (13) groove.
3. Spread a piston ring seal (27.5) and
slide over lower circumference of
pis ton-guide bearing (13), taking care
not to “cut” piston ring seal (27.5).