Fluid Components International ST98_ST98L Guide User Manual

Step 1. pre-installation

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Doc. No. 06EN003310 Rev. -


Model ST98 Flowmeter



ST98 Installation, Operation and

Troubleshooting Guide

Document 06EN003310 Rev. -

24 Hour Factory Service Hot Line: 1 (800) 854-1993

Step 1.



Verify the serial numbers on the enclosure(s), flow element and electronics match. The instrument may not work if the
serial numbers are miss-matched. (The remote option has a remote transmitter enclosure (FT) and a local flow
element enclosure (FE). The integral option has one enclosure.)

Electronics Serial Number

(Located on the circuit board with the larger I.C.
chips. It is also on the transmitter’s (FT) enclosure tag.)


To get the best results from the instrument, the sensor should be located 20 pipe diameters downstream from any
flow disturbance (valve, pipe elbow, etc.) and 10 pipe diameters upstream from any disturbance.

The instrument tags show the model number, tag number (if noted on the customer’s order), serial number along
with other important safety information. Compare this information with the appropriate pipe installation drawings
and calibration sheets to verify the instrument is the correct configuration.

Tag Location - Between Conduit Ports
On Integral or Local Enclosure

Tag Location - Top Side of
Remote Enclosure Option

Flow Element Serial Number
Also Showing Flow Arrow
(Located near the FE enclosure.
It is also on the enclosure tag.)


Recommended installation/troubleshooting tools are an open-ended wrench to fit the NPT connection, an open-
ended wrench to fit the flanged fitting nuts and bolts, a small flat blade screw driver for manipulating potentiometers,
both a medium flat blade screwdriver and a medium phillips head screwdriver for tightening connections, 3 mm allen
wrench for CENELEC approved instruments, a measuring tape for proper flow element placement, and a DVM for
Ohm/Voltage measurements.

If the instrument is a remote configuration, the serial number on the enclosure tags must match. The recommended tag
number on the local enclosure will have an FT in the tag number. The recommended tag number on the remote enclosure
will have an FE in the tag number. (Tags are specified by the customer, “FE/FT” is a recommended naming convention .)