PA Industries Edge Servo Roll Feed SRF-100/125/200/300/400/500/600 - Operation Manual User Manual

Page 14

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InPosition is a tolerance window around the final position. This is used to verify the feed index accuracy is within
acceptable limits before continuing onto the next function. It is a numeric entry with a range of 0 to 100 inch.
Normally set 0.02 inch.

Priority is a parameter that selects whether the feeder indexes before the press starts “FBP” or the press starts before
the feeder indexes “PBF”. Entering a “0” selects “PBF” mode and a “1” selects “FBP” mode.

AdjustmentStep is an increment of the Length adjustment. It is a numeric entry with a range of 0 to 1 inch.
Normally set 0.001 inch.

S c a l e 2 7 3 8 0 9 . 0 0
D i r e c t i o n ( 1 / 0 ) C W
D e b o u n c e ( m S ) 1
S E T U P - N e x t B K S P - P r e v

Scale is the encoder scaling parameter used to define the number of encoder counts/inch (or mm). It is a numeric
entry. Its value is 273809 cnts/inch (10780 cnts/mm) for SRF-200, 300, 400, 500, 600 models and 339214 cnts/inch
(13355 cnts/mm) for SRF-100.

Direction controls the direction of positive motor rotation. Entering “0” selects CW and a “1” selects CCW.

Debounce is the amount of time each input should stay HI or LOW, in order to be recognized. It is a numeric entry,
with a range of 0 to 999 msec. It is normally set to 1.

K p 5 0
P g a i n 1 2 0 0
I g a i n 1
S E T U P - N e x t B K S P - P r e v

Kp is proportional gain of the position loop. This is a tuning parameter, in order to change its value consult P/A
Industries Service Department.

Pgain is proportional gain of the velocity loop. This is a tuning parameter, in order to change its value consult P/A
Industries Service Department.

Igain is integral gain of the velocity loop. This is a tuning parameter, in order to change its value consult P/A
Industries Service Department.

F F 1 . 0
K f f 0 . 0
C u r r e n t L i m i t 3 0
S E T U P - N e x t B K S P - P r e v

FF is an acceleration feedforward gain of the velocity loop. This is a tuning parameter, in order to change its value
consult P/A Service Department.

Kff is a feedforward gain of the position loop. This is a tuning parameter, in order to change its value consult P/A
Service Department.

Current Limit is a maximum positive and negative current the drive may output to the motor. This is a tuning

parameter, in order to change its value consult P/A Service Department.

B a c k L e n g t h 0 . 0 0 0
K e r f 0 . 0 0 0
M a x L e n g t h 6 0 . 0 0 0
S E T U P - N e x t B K S P - P r e v