MoTeC M8 User Manual
Page 54

52 E.M.P.
Set Indicators (*)
An * will appear next to items that have been set, with the exception of tables
that are dependent on the engine operating point where an * will only appear
if the engine operating point corresponds to the currently selected site. The *
indicates that the point has been correctly tuned.
The *'s may be cleared individually or all *'s may be cleared at once.
To clear an individual * press the Delete key. To clear ALL *'s select Clear
ALL*'s from the Function Menu (Press the F9 key).
Adjustment Concepts
It is important to note that all adjustments are made directly to the ECU (if
connected) rather than the File.
The File Data is only updated when exiting from the adjust screens back to
the Main Menu, it is therefore important to exit to the Main Menu after
adjustments have been completed to ensure that the file is updated.
Graphical Indicators
Graphical Indicators are shown at the top and side of the table.
The indicators show the current engine operating point and therefore indicate
which table value (or values) the ECU is currently using.
The indicators must point to the same site as the adjustment cursor for any
adjustments to change the current engine tuning.
A Target is shown at the top left of the screen. This allows more accurate
positioning of the engine operating point.
The indicator only moves if the engine is operating within the currently
selected adjustment site.
For best calibration the indicator should be within or close to the center
rectangle, this ensures that the ECU tuning is determined mainly by the site
being adjusted and not by the adjacent sites.
Fuel / Ignition Toggle
The F5 key will quickly toggle the screen between the current Fuel Screen
and the corresponding Ignition Screen or vice versa.