Connected device configuration – MoTeC BR2 BTX User Manual
Page 22

20 Configuration
Connected Device Configuration
The connected device (e.g. MoTeC ADL, MDD or ECU) must be configured to
accept the signal from the beacon receiver.
The method for configuring the connected device is dependent on the
connection method and the device that it is connected to as follows:
For ADL using CAN Connection
Dash Manager Version
Ensure that the Dash Manager install is version 2.10F2 or higher and
that the latest firmware has been sent to the ADL by selecting Online |
Upgrade Dash Version.
Lap Time and Number Setup
The Beacon Type, Mode and ID should be entered into the Lap Time
and Number setup.
BR2 CAN Communications Template
The BR2 CAN communications template must be loaded so that the
ADL knows what to do with the messages that are sent from the BR2.