M8 or m800 ecu – MoTeC BR2 BTX User Manual

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Configuration - Quick Start

Note: The ‘Beacon’ channel must be ticked on. In older configurations the
Beacon channel may already be assigned to a digital input, in this case the
beacon must be deleted from the Digital Input so that the beacon channel can
be ticked on in the CAN setup.

Diagnostic Channels

The BR2 sends a large number of diagnostic messages to the connected
device, in the standard BR2 CAN template most of these are turned off. To
use the additional messages tick them on in the CAN setup.

M8 or M800 ECU

The BR2 must be configured for Switched Output and the Mode and ID of the
Beacon Transmitter must be entered.

The ECU must have a digital input configured for beacon operation. The
polarity must be set to ‘Active when input low’.

See the Configuration section for more detail.


The BR2 must be configured to use the CAN connection. Additionally the BR2
Advanced Configuration settings must also be enabled and the Mode and ID
entered as the first (and normally the only) beacon in the Advanced
Configuration Settings

This will require use of the BR2 Configuration Program that is installed with
Dash Manager version 3.00 and later.

Note: To add the Mode and ID to the list under Advanced Settings, the Mode
and ID must first be selected then the Add button must be clicked which will
copy the settings to the list.

The MDD itself does not require configuration.

See the Configuration section for more detail.