Defi nition of standard test sequences – Atec Rohde-Schwarz-ESIB Series User Manual

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EMI Test Receivers ¸ESIB


alignment of the mixer. The ¸ESIB
consequently features suffi cient inherent
noise suppression with respect to rele-
vant limit values even at the lower fre-
quency limit (Fig. 3).

Defi nition of
standard test sequences

To meet the requirements of relevant
standards, measurements over various
frequency ranges and bandwidths have
to be performed, using different step
sizes and measurement times or differ-

ent receiver settings regarding RF atten-
uation and preamplifi cation. It must also
be possible to confi gure a scan matched
to DUT characteristics. For this purpose,
the ¸ESIB offers a user-confi gurable
scan table with up to ten subranges.

Calibration values for transducer factors
of absorbing clamps or antennas, for
example, are stored in tables and can be
switched on as required. The transducer
factors can also be combined into trans-
ducer sets, for example to display the
i nterference spectrum in the correct unit
dBμV/m in measurements with an
antenna and a connecting cable
(Figs. 4 to 7).

EMI emissions are usually measured in
two steps. An overview measurement
performed with the peak detector iden-
tifi es critical emissions above or close
to limit values (Fig. 8). In a second mea-
surement with the prescribed CISPR
detectors and an appropriate measure-
ment time, the critical frequencies are
checked for compliance with limit val-
ues. The ¸ESIB family supports this
procedure by two independent measure-
ment windows on the screen and offers
automatic or interactive evaluation func-
tions for preview measurements, gener-
ation of a peak list (data reduction) and
fi nal measurement.





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04.01.2006 13:27:20