Atec Agilent-N5171B User Manual
Page 21
Clock (requires N5102A)
Clock input
User selectable: internal clock, device under test clock, or external clock (via SMA or
breakout board)
N5102A SMA Ext Clock In connector: 50 Ω, 0 dBm nominal, 1 to 400 MHz
Clock output
User selectable: via breakout board or SMA Clock Out connector
N5102A SMA Clock Out connector: 2 Vpp into load > 5K Ω from 1 to 100 kHz, 400 mVpp into
50 Ω load from 100 kHz to 400 MHz
Sample rate (limited by EXG sample
User-selectable in parallel mode up to a maximum 150 MHz, but limited by other user
settings (see N5102A users guide for more details).
User-selectable in serial mode, the maximum rate is 400 MHz/word size.
Bit rate (limited by EXG sample rate)
Parallel Up to 150 MHz x word size (1.6 Gbps LVDS, CMOS and LVTTL) per parallel bus,
2 parallel buses available
Serial Up to 400 MHz per serial line (400 Mbps LVDS) or 150 MHz per serial line (150 Mbps
(CMOS/LVTTL) 32 lines available
Clocks per sample
In parallel output mode, the data sample can be held for 1, 2 or 4 clock cycles
Clock to data skew
Coarse adjustment in 90° steps from 0 to 270º; fine-adjustment in increments of 100 ps up to 5 ns
Clock polarity
Clock signals may be inverted
Frequency reference input
1 to 100 MHz BNC, 50 Ω, 3 dBm ± 6 dB,
Power supply (included on N5102A)
Output: 5V, 4A DC
AWGN (Option 403)
Real-time, continuously calculated, and played using DSP
Modes of operation
Standalone or digitally added to signal played by arbitrary waveform or real-time baseband generator
With Option 653
1 Hz to 60 MHz
With Option 653 and 655
1 Hz to 120 MHz
Crest factor
15 dB
90 bit pseudo-random generation, repetition period 313 x 10^9 years
Carrier-to-noise ratio
± 100 dB when added to signal
Carrier-to-noise ratio formats
C/N, Eb/No
Carrier-to-noise ratio error
Magnitude error ≤ 0.2 dB at baseband I/Q outputs
Custom modulation Arb Mode (Option 431)
BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, π/4DQPSK, gray coded and
unbalanced QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, D8PSK
4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 1024 (and 89600 VSA mappings)
Selectable: 2, 4, 8, 16, C4FM
0 to 100°
0 to 100%
Number of carriers
Up to 100 (limited by a max bandwidth of 120 MHz
depending on symbol rate and modulation type)
Frequency offset (per carrier)
Up to –60 to +60 MHz
Power offset (per carrier)
0 dB to –40 dB
Symbol rate
50 sps to 75 Msps
Filter types
Nyquist, root-Nyquist, Gaussian, rectangular, APCO 25 C4EM, user
Quick setup modes
APCO 25w/C4FM, APCO25 w/CQPSK, Bluetooth
Random only