Atec Aeroflex-IFR-3416 User Manual
Atec Equipment

The IFR 3410 series are portable, lightweight signal generators cov-
ering a wide range of carrier frequencies to 6 GHz. High quality ana-
log and vector modulation capabilities make these signal generators
ideal for research, development and manufacturing applications.
Careful attention to the design of the modulators and the RF system
ensures that these signal generators exhibit low levels of adjacent
channel power, making them suitable for the most demanding
amplifier linearity and receiver selectivity measurements.
T he use of Aeroflex fractional N synthesis techniques, combined
with fast level control and an electronic attenuator, ensures the 3410
series signal generators are both frequency and level agile for high
speed ATE testing.
A flexible but intuitive user interface based on a touch panel display
system ensures that the signal generator meets the needs of
unskilled as well as skilled operators. T he instrument can be con-
figured to the required mode of operation ver y simply, with numeri-
cal data being entered by the keyboard or via a rotar y control. T he
display shows the primar y parameters in a clear and unambiguous
format, minimizing the risk of operator error.
T he 3410 series signal generators provide peak output power of up
to +16 dBm. With a level resolution of 0.01 dB, repeatable and accu-
rate testing of wireless components can be performed.