Atec Agilent-N9923A User Manual
Page 2
Table of Contents
Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 2
FieldFox RF Vector Network Analyzer ....................................................................... 3
Cable and Antenna Analyzer (Option 305) ............................................................. 10
External USB Power Sensor Support (Option 302) ............................................... 10
Vector Voltmeter (Option 308) .................................................................................. 11
Block Diagram ............................................................................................................. 11
General Information .................................................................................................... 12
Remote control capability (Option 030) .................................................................. 12
N9923A FieldFox RF VNA Options ........................................................................... 14
N9923A Upgrade Options .......................................................................................... 15
Calibration Kits ............................................................................................................ 15
FieldFox Data Link Software ..................................................................................... 16
Specification (spec.)
Warranted performance. Specifications include guardbands to account for the
expected statistical performance distribution, measurement uncertainties, and
changes in performance due to environmental conditions. The following condi-
tions must be met:
FieldFox has been turned on for 10 minutes.
FieldFox is within its calibration cycle.
FieldFox remains at a stable surrounding environment temperature (between
-10 to 55 °C) for 90 minutes prior to turn-on and during operation.
Typical (typ.)
Expected performance of an average unit at a stable temperature between 20 °C
to 30 °C for 90 minutes prior to turn-on and during operation; does not include
guardbands. It is not covered by the product warranty. The FieldFox must be
within its calibration cycle.
Nominal (nom.)
A general, descriptive term or design parameter. It is not tested, and not covered
by the product warranty.
The process of measuring known standards to characterize an instrument’s
systematic (repeatable) errors.
Corrected (residual)
Indicates performance after error correction (calibration). It is determined by the
quality of calibration standards and how well “known” they are, plus system
repeatability, stability, and noise.