Operation, cont’d – Extron Electronics SWP123 User Manual

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SWP123 Presentation Switcher • Operation

Operation, cont’d


Master Audio functions

Master Audio is a separate audio output from the A/V groups. Master Audio
can route audio from any of the groups or from a microphone to the Master
Audio output.

Master Audio volume and individual audio input attenuation does not
affect microphone volume.

Selecting an input for the Master Audio switcher

Select audio input from any of the A/V groups or from the microphone by
pressing one of the Master Audio Select buttons (VGA, S-video, Video, or Mic).
An LED lights to indicate the selected input.

Increasing or decreasing the Master Audio volume

To increase or decrease the Master Audio volume, press the AV Volume
increment (

) and decrement (

) buttons until the desired sound level is


Increasing or decreasing individual audio input attenuation adjustments

To equalize all audio input sources, audio inputs can be adjusted individually.


Press and hold the input button that corresponds to the input device whose
volume you want to adjust.


Press the volume increment (

) and decrement (

) buttons until the desired

sound level is reached.

Master Audio volume and individual audio input attenuation does not
affect microphone volume.

Muting and unmuting the audio

To mute the Master Audio output, press the Mute button. The LED over the Mute
button lights to indicate that Mute is active. To unmute the audio, press the Mute
button again; the LED goes out.

Microphone controls

Microphone Talk Over button

To mix the microphone input with the Master Audio output (“talk-over” mode),
press the Microphone Talk Over button. The indicator LED above the button
lights when Microphone Talk Over is on. Press the Microphone Talk Over button
again to unmix the output. In “talk-over” mode, the main audio level is lowered
when the microphone picks up speech.

Mic Level buttons

To increase or decrease the microphone volume, press the Mic Level increment

) and decrement (

) buttons until the desired sound level is reached.

Mic Level does not affect Master Audio volume.

Setting microphone talk over threshold


Finish installation wiring and setup as described in the previous sections.


Turn on the microphone by pressing the Microphone Talk Over button.


Speak into the microphone in a normal voice. The main program audio level
should drop moderately. If not, lower the threshold by turning the Talk Over
Threshold Adjust pot on the back panel of the switcher clockwise in small