Front panel operation, Miscellaneous controls and features, Selecting a/v inputs to output – Extron Electronics SWP123 User Manual

Page 19: Blanking the output from a group

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SWP123 Presentation Switchers • Operation


Miscellaneous controls and features


Microphone Talk Over button —

This button turns on the microphone

mixer to provide microphone talk-over for the Master Audio. The LED,
when lit, indicates that the microphone mixer is turned on.


Mic Level —

Use the increment (

) and decrement (

) buttons to adjust

the volume of the microphone.


Mute —

This button mutes the Master Audio output. The LED, when lit,

indicates that the Master Audio output is muted.


AV Volume —

Use the increment (

) and decrement (

) buttons to adjust

the volume of the Master Audio output.


IR Window —

Receives IR commands from the optional CTL 120-3 IR remote


Front Panel Operation

The functions of the front panel controls are described in the following sections.

Selecting A/V inputs to output

There are four input selection groups on the front panel: VGA/Audio, S-video/
Audio, Composite Video/Audio, and Master Audio. These groups correspond to
the four independent switchers (three A/V and one audio only) in the SWP 123
Presentation Switcher.

Use the four input select buttons in each A/V group to route a video signal to the
output for each group. When you press an input select button, the green LED
indicator on top of the button lights, indicating which input is linked to the
output for that group. To select a different input for that group, press a different
button in the same group.

The outputs of all three A/V groups are always active within the group. The
audio output from any group (or the microphone) may be routed to the Master
Audio switcher for output. See the Master Audio functions section (below) for more

There are two switcher modes available for the SWP123: Separate switcher mode
and Single switcher mode. The default is Separate switcher mode.

Separate switcher mode

In this mode, all three A/V groups operate independently from each other, and
all three outputs (audio and video) are active.

Single switcher mode

This mode can be turned on/off only via RS-232. In this mode, all three A/V
groups operate as a combined 12 x 1 switcher (12 inputs and one output). Only
the output (audio and video) of the selected A/V group is active, while the
remaining two unselected A/V group outputs are muted. This design feature
enables the autoswitching feature of the output device (scaler, etc.).

Blanking the output from a group

Each A/V group has a blank button. To blank the video output for a group, press
the Blank button for the group. The LED above the button lights, indicating that
blanking is active.