Extron Electronics Matrix 6400 Series User Manual

Page 21

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Chapter 3 • Using the FPC 1000 Front Panel Controller

Extron • Matrix 3200/6400 Series Switchers • FPC 1000 • User’s Manual


Room Presets Menu

Press any menu title

button at any time

to “escape” without

making changes.

To get here from the Main Menu,


• Presets

• Room

Instruction message appears here >

Use option selections with buttons >

Figure 3-7. Room Presets menu

The Room Preset menu will show room #01, with its 10 presets listed below it
and any virtual outputs to the right. Press Room# to select a different room with
its presets and virtual outputs listed. Room Preset #01 is highlighted in the center
of the screen. Use the speed knob to scroll through the ten selections. The
description at the top is: “Save/Recall Room Presets – Name Presets”. The
instruction message at the bottom is: “Select Room Preset to Save/Recall”. The
buttons at the bottom of the screen are:

Save Recall Delete Global Room# Name

Each of these options will bring up an appropriate menu.

S a v e

To review or edit, press Save. The menu to allow the name of the selected
preset to be changed. The knob symbol appears over the preset name.

R e c a l l

Press Recall to activate the selected Preset.
The response message is: “Preset recalled”.

D e l e t e

Press this button to delete the selected Room Preset.

G l o b a l

To view global presets, press the Global button.

R o o m #

Press Room# to step through the ten room choices. As each room is selected,
its number and name are displayed above its ten possible presets.

N a m e

The instruction message is: “Enter Name – Take/ESC to Execute/Abort”.

_______ Rooms cannot be created or reconfigured from the FPC 1000; that must be done

through RS-232 programming. However, rooms can be viewed, activated
(Recalled), deleted or renamed from the FPC 1000.

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