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been configured, then at any time the flow falls to or below that value the alarm is
automatically cleared and the relay channel returns to the CLEAR state. (This is what
the operator is going to be striving for in the ALARMING and CLEARING states.) If a
Release value has not been configured for the Trigger value that caused the alarm,
then the relay channel will only follow arrow e back to the CLEAR state if the flow falls
back inside the Trigger value and the operator presses the CLEAR soft button (as first
stated above). A Release value that is identical to its corresponding Trigger value has
the same effect as if it were not configured (it prevents automatic recovery from that

The Alarm Delay Time cannot be configured to a value greater than 3600 (one hour). If
the Alarm Delay Time is configured to zero, it is effectively disabled and displays as

Any Trigger or Release value that is set to zero is effectively disabled and displays as
NONE. This includes the Low Trigger, so if the user wishes to alarm on zero flow, he
must set the Low Trigger to a very small, but non-zero, flow value. Disabling a Trigger
value causes the corresponding release value to be also disabled. If a Release value is
disabled, or set to the same value as the corresponding Trigger, then the flowmeter will
not automatically release an alarm caused by that trigger (the CLEAR soft button must
be pressed to release the alarm).

The CLEAR soft button appears on the screen in the ALARMING state and also in the
ALARMED state if an Alarm Delay Time has been set or if no Release value has been
set for the Trigger that caused the alarm.

If the CLEAR soft button

in the ALARMING state, the countdown of

the Alarm Delay Time will re-start, providing extra time to correct the problem.

ALARMED state and when an Alarm

Delay Time has been set, then the relay will de-activate, the Status: display will read
CLEARING in white-on-black and the CLEAR soft button will disappear. The intent is
that the operator now goes and fixes whatever caused the flow to go out of bounds. If the
flow falls within the Release limits before the alarm delay time expires, then the
Status: display will read CLEAR and the relay will remain de-activated. If the number
of seconds set in the Alarm Delay Time: field passes after the CLEAR soft button is
pressed and the flow rate is still outside of the Release limits, then the relay re-
activates, the Status: display will read ALARMED and everything will be as it was
before the soft button was pressed.

ALARMED state and when no Alarm

Delay Time has been set and no Release value has been set for the Trigger that
caused the alarm, then what happens depends on whether the flow has fallen back inside
the Trigger value. If it has, the alarm will be cleared. If it hasn’t then nothing will

None of the settings of a relay channel configured to monitor Flow Rate can be changed
from the Process Control screen. The , and EDIT soft buttons do
not appear.

is pressed when

If the CLEAR soft button is pressed when in the

If the CLEAR soft button is pressed when in the





Ultrasonic Flowmeter