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The five-digit numbers of the next log file and the oldest log file on the card are held in a
file in the logs sub-directory with the name logindex.txt. If this file does not exist, the
flowmeter will create it and start both numbers at 00001. Thus, the first log file will be
and as further files (log00002.txt etc.) are created and filled the
flowmeter will remember that log00001.txt is the oldest. If the space on the card is
reduced below 1 MB, then log00001.txt will be deleted. The next file to be deleted to
make space will be log00002.txt and so on.
When reading a card that has been removed from a flowmeter, care should be taken
when deleting files before re-inserting it into the same or a different flowmeter. It is safe
to delete all files on the card, in which case new log files will start with log00001.txt
as described above. It is also safe to delete any or all log files if the file logindex.txt is
left on the card. If the flowmeter tries to delete a file that does not exist, it will simply
keep increasing the five-digit number in the filename until it finds enough files to delete
that free up the space it is looking for. However, if the logindex.txt file is deleted
but log files are left on the card, the flowmeter may overwrite them if and when
it counts up again to their numbers.
In the event of a power loss, the flowmeter will not be able to properly close the open log
file and it may as a result be corrupt. When power is restored and the flowmeter resumes
operation, it will open a new log file with the next sequential number. Should the power
loss have occurred when the flowmeter was updating file system management
information on the memory card, it may not be able to mount the card when power
resumes. In this case, no further log entries will be written to the card. As a result, care
should be taken that the flowmeter is placed in Setup Mode before disconnecting it from
a power source.
A user PC that is running the Software and that is connected via the Communications
Board will automatically acquire and store log entries from the flowmeter.
The flowmeter records in a buffer the most recently generated 10,000 log entries. If the
buffer fills, entries are replaced in a first-in, first-out manner. At ten second intervals,
the PC will request that the flowmeter send to it the latest 100 available entries, also in
a first-in, first-out manner, until all entries are downloaded. The entries sent are
removed from the flowmeter buffer and transferred to a file folder that t
Simply by making this request every ten seconds, the PC obtains a complete record of the
data being logged in the flowmeter. There is no configuration item to turn on or off
remote logging or to set up what is logged differently from internal logging to the SD
card. The flowmeter is passive other than buffering and supplying on request its recent
log entries. The user PC can do whatever it sees fit with the log entries, including, but
not limited to, displaying them graphically, saving them to disk, comparing them to
information from other flowmeters, etc. Remote logging is not influenced by the presence
or absence of the SD Card.
To facilitate faster downloading, a button on the user PC software application may be
pressed to immediately begin downloading all available logs in the buffer.
he Software
Application will create and place on the C: drive. Since all meters must have a unique
IP Address to connect to the user PC Software, the Software will automatically use the
IP Address as the name of this file folder.
Rotation and
Purging of
Log Files
Access to
Log Data
Ultrasonic Flowmeter