Iv. bios software, Chipset features setup – Asus P/I-P55TP4N User Manual

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P/I-P55TP4N User's Manual


Chipset Features Setup

This “Chipset Features Setup” option controls the configuration of the board’s
chipset. Control keys for this screen are the same as for the previous screen.

Auto Configuration
The default setting of Enabled sets the optimal timings for the next ten
entries based on the CPU clock speed. Do not change these settings unless
it is necessary.

PCI Concurrency (leave on default setting)

PCI Streaming (leave on default setting)

CPU to PCI Burst (leave on default setting)

16-bit I/O Recovery Time
Timing for 16-bit ISA cards (leave on default setting)

8-bit I/O Recovery Time
Timing for 8-bit ISA cards (leave on default setting)

Video BIOS Cacheable
Allows the Video BIOS to be cached to allow faster execution. (Leave on
default setting)

Memory Hole at 15M - 16M
Enabling this features reserves 15MB to 16MB memory address space to
ISA expansion cards that specifically require this setting. This makes the
memory from 15MB and up unavailable to the system. ISA Expansion
cards can only access memory up to 16MB. The default is Disabled.


(BIOS Features)



(Chipset Features)