Modify an outbound acl rule, Delete an outbound acl rule, Figure 9.9. outbound acl configuration example – Asus RX3041H User Manual

Page 74: Figure 9.10. outbound acl list

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Chapter 9. Configuring Firewall/NAT Settings

RX3041H User’s Manual


Figure 9.9. Outbound ACL Configuration Example

5. Assign a priority for this rule by selecting a number from the “Move to” drop-down list. Note that

the number indicates the priority of the rule with 1 being the highest. Higher priority rules will be
examined prior to the lower priority rules by the firewall.

6. Click on the

button to create the new ACL rule. The new ACL rule will then be displayed

in the outbound access control list table at the bottom half of the Outbound ACL configuration

Figure 9.10. Outbound ACL List

9.5.2 Modify


Outbound ACL Rule

To modify an outbound ACL rule, follow the instructions below:

1. Open the Outbound ACL Rule configuration page by clicking on the Firewall

Î Outbound ACL


2. Click on the

icon of the rule to be modified in the outbound ACL table or select the rule

number from the “ID” drop-down list.

3. Make desired changes to any or all of the following fields: action, source/destination IP,

source/destination port, protocol, NAT, time ranges, application filtering, and log. Please see
Table 9.1 for explanation of these fields.

4. Click on the

button to modify this ACL rule. The new settings for this ACL rule will then

be displayed in the outbound access control list table at the bottom half of the Outbound ACL
configuration page.

9.5.3 Delete


Outbound ACL Rule

To delete an outbound ACL rule, just click on the in front of the rule to be deleted or follow the instructions