Delete a group acl rule, Display existing group acl rules, Remote user login process – Asus RX3041H User Manual
Page 104: Figure 10.5. login console, Figure 10.6. login status screen, 4 remote user login process
Chapter 10. Configuring Remote Access
RX3041H User’s Manual
10.3.4 Delete a Group ACL Rule
To delete an group ACL rule, just click on the in front of the rule to be deleted or follow the instructions
1. Open the Time Range configuration page by clicking the Firewall
Î Remote Access Î Group
ACL menu.
2. Click on the
icon of the rule to be deleted in the group ACL list table or select the rule number
from the “ID” drop-down list.
3. Click on the
button to delete this ACL rule. Note that the ACL rule deleted will be
removed from the group ACL list table located at the bottom half of the configuration page.
10.3.5 Display
Existing Group ACL Rules
To see existing group ACL rules, just open the Group ACL Rule configuration page by clicking on the Firewall
Î Remote Access Î Group ACL menu.
10.4 Remote User Login Process
For a user belonging to a user group to connect to the Internet Access Router, he or she must do a special
login first to activate user group based policies; otherwise, the RX3041H will drop all the connection requests
from the user. Users in a user group can enter the following URL in the browser in order to login to the
RX3041H and activate associated access policies.
The Login Console appears as illustrated in Figure 10.5
Figure 10.5. Login Console
After a successful login, the screen appears as in Figure 10.6.
Figure 10.6. Login Status Screen