GE Industrial Solutions 6KCV301PDP33 Profibus - DP Bus for AV300i User Manual

Page 14

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B ) Data frame from Slave to Master:

1 ) Data / Error

The content of this field depends on the kind of service carried out. In
case of writing it contains the operation result. In case of reading it contains
the parameter value if the reading had positive result; if not, it contains the
detailed error code. As to the error codes and operation result, please
refer to drive manual).

2 ) Subindex/Type

It contains the parameter subindex, if any. If the parameter has no
subindexes it has to be set to 0. For parameters with subindex, this must
be set from 1 to the max. number of parameter elements; the value 0 is not
accepted and rejected. It is not possible to read the whole object, but only
its single elements. In case of service carried out towards the DGF option,
this field contains the data type (see DGF manual).

3 ) Index

Index of the parameter involved in the operation with format low byte -
high byte.

4 ) Control byte

The meaning of this byte is described in 3.1.

In case of service towards DGF option, please refer to the DGF manual for
error codes.