GE Industrial Solutions AV-300i Quick Start User Manual

Page 19

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of this is trying to [Enter] a value for “Nominal Current
that is less than 30% of the drive rating. This is not
allowed due to problems encountered with a small
motor and a large drive. Try to go back to the
beginning of step 6 and repeat the entries. If this
doesn’t work, see Overflow list in troubleshooting
section or contact your service office.

7. Set Drive Base Values:

Press [Left arrow] until back to “drive parameter” then
[Down arrow] to “configuration”, then [Enter].

Press [Down arrow] to “Speed Base Value” then
[Enter] and set the nameplate rated full load speed
on the motor nameplate, press [Enter]. This bases all
speed related calibrations on top motor speed.

Press [Down arrow] to “full load current” then [Enter]
and set the DRIVE (not motor) rated full load current
on the drive nameplate by using the [Up arrow] /
[Down arrow] keys, then press [Enter] to set. This
bases all current related calibraitons on motor “Full
Load Amps” (FLA).

8. Set Regulation Mode: (Sensorless vect, V/f or Field

oriented mode )

Press [Up arrow] to “Regulation mode”, then [Enter]
and use [Up arrow] / [Down arrow] keys to select
“V/f”, “sensorless vect” or “Field oriented” then

If “Field oriented” mode is selected:

Press [Down arrow] until to “Motor spd fbk”, then
press [Enter], [Down arrow] to “Encoder 1 type”, then
[Enter]. Use the [Up arrow]/[Down arrow] keys to
select sinusoidal encoder or digital encoder, then

Press [Down arrow] to “Encoder 1 pulses”, then
[Enter] and set the value using the [Up arrow]/[Down
keys to the PPR (pulses per revolution) of your
encoder, [Enter].

Press [Down arrow] four times to “Refresh Enc 1”
then [Enter], “Enable” [Enter], this enables the Speed
fdbk Loss Alarm.

9. Speed Limit:

Press [Left arrow] until “Basic Menu”, then [Down
to “Limits”, then [Enter] for “Speed Limits”,
then [Enter] for “Speed Amount”, then [Enter] to
“Speed Min Amount”. Press [Down arrow] to “Speed
Max Amount”, and [Enter]. Change the value from
5000 RPM to the maximum speed of the motor use
the [Up arrow]/[Down arrow] keys as before (for now
set it to 105% of the rated motor speed). Press

10. Prepare for Self Tune:

The keypad will be used for this purpose but the
I/O needs to be connected properly to the enable/
disable functions.

11. Save Parameters:

Press [Left arrow] to “limits”, then [Up arrow] until
“Basic Menu” then [Enter], then [Down arrow] to
“save parameters”, then [Enter].

The display will read “wait” until the values are
permanently stored.

12. Self Tune:

Make sure power is on and drive not enabled.

Close the switch on terminal 12 (hardware enable has
24 Vdc on it).

When the enable switch is made, Press [Left arrow]
until “Basic Menu” then [Down arrow] to “Drive
Parameter”, then [Enter], then [Down arrow] to
“motor parameters” and [Enter]. Press “[Down
to “Self Tuning” and [Enter] to “self tune 1”.
Press [Enter] to “start part 1” and [Enter], “start part
1 ?” and [Enter] again. The keypad should show the
“enable” led illuminated, if not, make sure that you
have the jumpers (or external switches) set so that 24
VDC exists on terminal boards 12, 13, 14, 15, with
respect to 16 or 18.

You should now see “measuring Rs” (stator
resistance). Wait until the display says “end”, then
disable the drive (open the switch to 12) and push
[Left arrow] twice to see “self tune 1”, press [Enter],
then [Down arrow] all the way to “take val part 1”
and [Enter]. The display will read “wait” until the
values are stored. The motor shaft must not move
during the procedure. If necessary, the motor shaft
must be locked.

NOTE: “xxx range error” or “timeout” messages may also
occur in some extreme parameter ranges. Repeat the tune
in this case. If error messages are persistent see
troubleshooting section.

13. Self Tune part 2:

The initial part of self tuning that can be done without
the motor rotating has been accomplished. Now, to
get the best possible tuning, the motor needs to turn
with no load attached to the shaft. For this we use
Self tune mode 2a. If, for any reason, the motor cannot
be made to rotate with no load, then a “close” level of
tuning can still be accomplished by selecting Self tune
mode 2b.

Now press [Left arrow] to see “self tune 1” then
[Down arrow] to “self tune 2a or 2b and press [Enter].
Enable the drive using the switch to terminal 12. Press
[Enter], “start part 2a ?” or “start part 2b ?” then
[Enter] and see “measure sat 2a (or b)” will appear
and the motor shaft will turn (if “self tune 2a” is select).
Wait until the display says “end”, press [Left arrow]
to see “self tune 2a (or b)” then [Enter] and press
[Down arrow] to see “take val part 2a (or b)”. Disable
the drive (switch off terminal 12), then [Enter].