Installation procedure, 10 installation procedure – GE Industrial Solutions WattStation Pedestal EVSE Charger Installation User Manual
Page 10

WattStation Pedestal Installation Manual
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Installation Procedure
SStteepp 11:: Carefully unwrap the packaging and make
sure the following items are present:
o WattStation Pedestal EVSE unit
o Key for WattStation access door
o Installation Manual
o MODBUS Guide
o Provisioning card
o Mounting Template
SStteepp 22:: When removing the EVSE from the packaging,
do not lift the EVSE by the plastic top assembly. When
the EVSE needs to be lifted, remove the access door
and disconnect the ground connection on the door.
Grip EVSE on the door opening of the shell and/or
EV cable exit on front of shell. After EVSE has been
placed in its desired location, reconnect the ground
connection on door and close the access door.
SStteepp 33:: Check for any damage to the unit,
cord and connector.
If no damage is noticed, proceed to next step,
If damage is noticed, call 1-888-GE-RESOLVE.
SStteepp 44:: Locate area (concrete pad/ floor) for
EVSE unit
SStteepp 55:: Install two conduits, one for power
(minimum 1” Conduit), and one for communication
(minimum 3/4” Conduit). Both Conduits should fit
Within a 4.75” diameter.
Allow approximately 4” length for each conduit
above the concrete level as shown in Figure 1.
Cut as necessary to final dimensions. Route
power conduit and communication conduit
through the center of the concrete bed,
appropriately. Make sure that, concrete top
surface and EVSE unit bottom dome baseplate
are flushed and parallel to flat ground surface.
FFiigguurree -- 11